Today’s Scripture (Across my desk this morning in my e-mails from a church in Texas.)
“…Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing…”
(1 Thessalonians 5:11, NIV)
Be a People Builder
The word encourage means “to urge forward.” Every one of us should have someone we believe in, someone we’re urging forward, someone we’re helping to achieve goals and dreams. How do you encourage someone? You study that person and identify what he or she does well. What excites him? What are her strengths? An encourager sees things in others that they often can’t see in themselves. A simple compliment, a single word of encouragement can give a person the confidence he or she needs to take that step of faith. You have the ability to stir up someone’s dreams by giving them permission to succeed. You can light a fire on the inside that glows joyfully for a lifetime. When you take time to believe in someone, and you speak faith into the heart of another, your words can become the seed God nourishes. You never know the impact a small note or a kind word of encouragement can have. Be a people builder.
A Prayer for Today
“Father, thank You for all the people who have encouraged me and believed the best about me. Help me to use my words to encourage and speak life and blessing into the people around me. Help me stir up others’ dreams and give them permission to succeed. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
Ken’s Thoughts,
This is exceptional encouragement. Our Adamic flesh nature that we got from GGGGDaddy Adam usually looks for the weaknesses in other to focus on and to use it to feel better about ourselves. When really it is in our weaknesses the the witness of Christ Jesus is strongest.
Today was an interesting day, I have had three Dr. appointments about a little spot of skin cancer on my forehead. Nordic skin does not do well in Hawaii. I have been frozen, sliced and diced with biopsies trying to get it all. The last time around was 10 days ago and the enemy was telling me that it was not over. That I would need to go in a forth time. And if I was not such a poor minister of the Gospel this would not be happening to me. That my faith was really weak and impotent. And why should I be trying to teach others what to do when I could not even heal myself? And on and on and on for 10 days. A private battle field. But my wife kept encouraging me to wait and see. I even wrote a letter to the Dr. but did not mail it. But then today they pulled out the stitches out this morning and all gone. Whew!!!! Happy Camper but still a little beat up. And then went to Home Depot and as I was getting some stuff to finish our little farm, one of the Associates came breezing by, who was a Christian, and mentioned how grateful he was to be getting my “Worth Considering” blog. So just a little encouragement got me back on track to do what I feel that the LORD would like me to keep doing at near 88. Still have a lot to finish up here at our little farm but little by little the Holy Spirit is sending along folks to help and to keep the vision going.
The vision that I have had in my heart of hearts from 1968 is to experience the Church that Jesus Christ established come alive again in my life time. I mean really alive with the Love, Holiness and Power that the Early Church enjoyed with all of the fruit, gifts and ministries in operation. I write about this in my little book “Keys To The Kingdom” that can be found as a link on our home page: www.Trinity-Aloha.org. Let’s take a look as a verse or two to confirm what I would like to experience prior to the Rapture or my Graduation. Some time after Pentecost we find some very interesting remarks by Luke in Acts 5:12-16 “12 Now by the hands of the apostles (special messengers) numerous and startling signs and wonders were being performed among the people. And by common consent they all met together [at the temple] in the covered porch (walk) called Solomon’s. 13 And none of those who were not of their number dared to join and associate with them, but the people held them in high regard and praised and made much of them. 14 More and more there were being added to the Lord those who believed [those who acknowledged Jesus as their Savior and devoted themselves to Him joined and gathered with them], crowds both of men and of women, 15 So that they [even] kept carrying out the sick into the streets and placing them on couches and sleeping pads, [in the hope] that as Peter passed by, at least his shadow might fall on some of them. 16 And the people gathered also from the towns and hamlets around Jerusalem, bringing the sick and those troubled with foul spirits, and they were all cured.
You know there were a whole bunch of Apostles mentioned after the 12 in the New Testament but I don’t know that I have ever meet one? In Eph. 4:11-16 Apostle Paul clearly relates to 5 different ministries for the perfecting of the Saints. I have never attended a church where this was the norm? I would dearly love to experience this before I see the LORD for HIS Glory. He said that HE would build HIS Church and that nothing could touch it. Any one else see this? The return of Christ Jesus will be to collect a beautiful loving, holy and powerful Church, a perfect match for HIM. A Rod of Iron in HIS hand for Peace & Righteousness.
Yours, in HIS great love and wonderful grace and mercy, Ken<>< www.Trinity-Aloha.org
And all who Truly Love, Honor and Obey HIM are members.
In the Greek Olympic games of old, a unique race was run. The winner was not the runner who finished first — it was the runner who finished with his torch still lit! There are times in our lives when we feel like we just can’t continue in the race. These are precisely the times when the enemy loves to assault us to the point of breaking and torment us saying “You’ll never make it to the finish line, you may as well just quit now”. This is the time we need to cling on to God’s promises! The Lord will soon reward our diligence for all our toiling here in this world. Paul said, “Let us not grow weary in well-doing for in due season we shall reap if we do not faint”. So let’s allow God’s wonderful promises to strengthen and comfort us in each circumstance so that we can run the race — not to finish first, but to run together, side by side — the flame of our torch reaching the finish line blazing brightly with fire for Him! worthybrief@worthynetwork.com