ALOHA FAMILY & FRIENDS,  Beloved of God,  John 3:16-18

HEART FAITH,     “WORTH CONSIDERING”   5/4/20       From Ken<><
Today’s Scripture    (Found in my e-mails this morning from Texas.)
“…The eyes of the LORD search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him…”   (2 Chronicles 16:9, NLT)

It’s the Heart That Matters
When Jesus chose His twelve disciples, He didn’t choose people who had it all together. He didn’t choose the Pharisees, who kept all the religious rules, prayed at the right time, and gave what was required but whose hearts were not right. He chose people who had lots of flaws, who came out of dysfunction and weren’t raised in a religious environment. Man looks on the outside, at the performance, the credentials, the background, but God looks beyond all that. He knows it’s the heart that matters. He chose those whose hearts were committed to Him.

God is not looking for people who have a perfect performance. He’s looking for people who desire to please Him. Your behavior, attitude, and character may need some improvement, but just as with the disciples, God is saying, “I know your heart is sincere; your heart is set to do the right thing. So I’m going to show Myself strong in your life.”

A Prayer for Today
“Father, thank You that I can come to You with an open and willing heart. Search me and know me. I struggle and make mistakes, and there is so much I need to improve on in my character, but my heart is committed to You. Show Yourself strong in my life today. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Ken’s Thoughts:
Actually God is looking for honesty in truthfully evaluating ourselves.  Honest souls can be redeemed and fixed.   But the Actors, the hypocrites don’t even know who they are as they have no level or plum bob of respect for the truth.  My mother was a hairstylist in Hollywood and I got to go on the sets when young and meet the actors sometimes.  One particular time I saw two actors greet one another like Loving long lost family members and when they moved on one of them turned to another actor and totally trashed and gutted the friend to this other actor.  And this was the norm, no honor or truth at all just silly putty to be made, whatever.  They just went from playing one part and then another until there was no one left at home worth knowing.   Matt. 6  &  15

I have often considered how Christ Jesus chose his disciples from being fishermen to becoming fishers of souls.  There are unique parallels in both worlds.   And Jesus did not call a learned man to assist HIM until he established the balance of heart then head.   His fishermen were all heart, Paul came later from being all head.  What a great mix we now have in our New Testament between John and Paul.  So too, those of us who are called to serve HIM may find it a bit difficult in the beginning with new Christian relationships.  And it is easier to fracture and divide than find unity.  The sorry part of division is that always the good truth that both had available in the union is no longer balanced and available. So we have many divisions.   If you study through the 17th Chapter of John’s gospel you will find that the primary concern of Christ Jesus was that we, as HIS disciples would find HIS loving, honest and unity/balance.  In fact, no unity, no power.  John 17:20-22.   2 Tim. 3:5 .         In Paul’s really great letter to the Church at Corinth he first lists our qualifications as follows: 

For it is written, I will baffle and render useless and destroy the learning of the learned and the philosophy of the philosophers and the cleverness of the clever and the discernment of the discerning; I will frustrate and nullify [them] and bring [them] to nothing.  20 Where is the wise man (the philosopher)? Where is the scribe (the scholar)? Where is the investigator (the logician, the debater) of this present time and age? Has not God shown up the nonsense and the folly of this world’s wisdom?  21 For when the world with all its earthly wisdom failed to perceive and recognize and know God by means of its own philosophy, God in His wisdom was pleased through the foolishness of preaching [salvation, procured by Christ and to be had through Him], to save those who believed (who clung to and trusted in and relied on Him).  22 For while Jews [demandingly] ask for signs and miracles and Greeks pursue philosophy and wisdom,  23 We preach Christ (the Messiah) crucified, [preaching which] to the Jews is a scandal and an offensive stumbling block [that springs a snare or trap], and to the Gentiles it is absurd and utterly unphilosophical nonsense.  24 But to those who are called, whether Jew or Greek (Gentile), Christ [is] the Power of God and the Wisdom of God.  25 [This is] because the foolish thing [that has its source in] God is wiser than men, and the weak thing [that springs] from God is stronger than men.  26 For [simply] consider your own call, brethren; not many [of you were considered to be] wise according to human estimates and standards, not many influential and powerful, not many of high and noble birth.  27 [No] for God selected (deliberately chose) what in the world is foolish to put the wise to shame, and what the world calls weak to put the strong to shame.  28 And God also selected (deliberately chose) what in the world is lowborn and insignificant and branded and treated with contempt, even the things that are nothing, that He might depose and bring to nothing the things that are,  29 So that no mortal man should [have pretense for glorying and] boast in the presence of God.  30 But it is from Him that you have your life in Christ Jesus, Whom God made our Wisdom from God, [revealed to us a knowledge of the divine plan of salvation previously hidden, manifesting itself as] our Righteousness [thus making us upright and putting us in right standing with God], and our Consecration [making us pure and holy], and our Redemption [providing our ransom from eternal penalty for sin].  31 So then, as it is written, Let him who boasts and proudly rejoices and glories, boast and proudly rejoice and glory in the Lord.  1 Cor. 1:17-31 (So we all seem to be qualified, really got good mileage with this from Hippies,  lots of laughter….  They were really honest.)    If you have not deeply considered this, you are really missing out as your name is on God’s list as qualified.  Every soul that God has created has been designed to assist Him in some way in creating HIS New Kingdom of Rightiousness.

Yours, in HIS great love and wonderful grace and mercy,   Ken<><   www.Trinity-Aloha.org

There is but one True Church of Christ Jesus, now and for eternity.
And all who Truly Love & Obey HIM are members.

Todays News in Brief:
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said he has seen “enormous evidence” indicating the coronavirus pandemic originated in the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China.  A majority of the U.S. Intelligence Community’s 17 spy agencies believe the coronavirus likely originated with an accidental lab escape from a laboratory in Wuhan, China, a senior intelligence official told the Washington Examiner.   China has refused to cooperate with the World Health Organizations’ efforts to investigate the origins of the coronavirus pandemic, a WHO official told Sky News.    worthybrief@worthynetwork.com


ADVERSITY    (In my mail 5/1/20  and felt worth considering.)

Sometimes its hard to understand adversity — but there’s a purpose!

Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

One of the hardest questions to answer is: “Why do I have to deal with so much adversity?!”

Quite honestly, one of the best answers I’ve ever come across was written by C.S. Lewis in his book, Mere Christianity. Lewis likened God’s use of adversity to walking a dog. If the dog gets its leash wrapped around a pole and tries to continue running forward, he will only tighten the leash more. Both the dog and the owner are after the same end: forward motion. But the owner must resist the dog by pulling him opposite of the direction that he wants to go. The master, sharing the same intention, but understanding better than the dog where he really wants to go, takes an action precisely opposite to that of the dog’s will. It is in this way that God uses adversity!

We really don’t like being pulled and corrected by the Lord — but when we understand there’s a greater purpose involved, then we can pass through adversity with hope, expectation and steadfastness knowing these events are for our greater good!

So let’s learn from the trials and tribulations we go through because God has a purpose in them. We may not enjoy it, but when all’s said and done, enduring trials faithfully will produce perseverance, character, and hope. And hope will not disappoint us for the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit…[Romans 5:4-5] We truly can trust in the God who loves us with an everlasting love because He knows the direction we need to go, AND He knows exactly how to get us there!

Your family in the Lord with much agape love,

George, Baht Rivka, Elianna & Obadiah
Baltimore, Maryland    worthybrief@worthynetwork.com

Organizers of the April 24 “Secret Church” online event reported that a cyberattack may have blocked many participants from logging on in real-time. Focused on God, government, and the Gospel, the event is simulcast to around 50,000 people worldwide and is centered on Bible study and prayer for persecuted Christians. 
The revival that was taking place in hundreds of churches in Tennessee before the pandemic is now moving online in anticipation of spreading the gospel around the world.

Ken’s Comments:
Actually, for me, adversity may also point out the misuse of God Given Freewill.  God gave us freewill to learn how to love God, ourselves and each other.   And to learn to sow good seeds so as to have a good and useful crop.   LOVE IS A CHOICE,  so freewill must exist for us to be able to choose to love or not.   But we also learn when we sow weeds that we can become entangled in our own brier patch,  the Law of sowing and reaping.  For me, it seems very clear that God put Adam in charge of HIS creation in Genesis.  But Adam decided to follow lucifer instead.  So we as a world have reaped what we also have sown in Adam.  Christ Jesus came to help us fix it but without our freewill, humility and obedient choices it is very slow going and some times, impossible.  Straight and narrow is the way to eternal life…

And it seems, we are entering into the end times according to the prophesies in the Bible.  So the darkness is going to get very dark and the light is going to become very bright.  And after some birthpains, a time of false peace and the great last harvest those who have chosen the light in Christ Jesus will be snatched out of the earth and what remains will go through the Great Tribulation of 7 years of God’s Wrath.  GOD is still upset at what happened to Jesus.  So while it is true that adversity can bring us closer to God’s love,  Our wrong choices can take us further from God’s love.  So usually an adversity is of our own doing of being in the wrong place at the wrong time doing the wrong thing.  What does not kill us makes us stronger up to a point.  I really don’t much like weeds any more.  But weed seed packaging is very professional today by our enemy as it also was at the time of Eve and Adam.  Even David and Samson gave us some real pointers on finding weed seeds.  In fact Saul of Tarsus planted lots of weeds before he learned to not like them and to and became Paul.   The Holy Bible is an exceptional collection of books on how to know good seeds from bad seeds.  If you learn to tell the difference and quit planting weeds you will have a lot less adversity in your life and a lot more peace.  and if you really want a weed free garden,  God will give you a lot of grace to help you.  He also loves a really good, weed free, garden. 

Yours in HIS great love,  Ken<><   www.Trinity-Aloha.org


Rush Limbaugh:  Excellent question,  mine as well:   Covid-19


It seems to me that most of the old guys are terminal with this virus, if they catch it.   The U.S. is sustaining about 500 deaths per day at this time and mostly of old fossils like me.  But to protect me and my age group the economic shut down could easily kill the economy for the whole nation.   There is not going to be any quick and easy solution.   Prayer, of course would help.   But to get the economy going again might mean to set up virus free zones where old folks could move to like an Island with really good virus controls.  Eventually there will be a medication to help our immune system get the victory over Covid-19 like all of the other viruses that are around us all the time.  But until that day,  us old folks are looking down the gun barrel when we leave home and go shopping and it is not going to get better.  And it is obvious that the economy can not be frozen for long without a 2nd Great Depression.  In the year 1932, when I was born, FDR closed the banks.  A $1,000 burial police cost .25 cents per week.  My dad sold them and made .10 cents per sale.  I still have mine that he bought for me.   We lived on my great grandfather’s farm so were OK.  But there was little or no money available even if you had a plush bank account.  Gold at that time was $32. per ounce.  And dollar bills could be exchanged for gold.

We were almost already at a train wreck with our economy before this virus attack.   Seems the train is now off the tracks but yet to land.  When it lands,  seems to me, that there will be a great devastation.   So do what you can to get as self contained and as much off the grid as you can.  Riots are already starting in the mainland and police protection is nearly non existent in some areas.

We may be starting into the birth pains of the Jesus prophesy in Matt. 24-25,  Mark 13,  Luke 21,   I have taken the liberty of attaching a paper that I put together on the subject.  We are surely living in the days of the last church in Rev. 3 where Jesus is not even welcome in HIS own Church.   And we are headed towards Chapter’s 4 & 5  with John.  From Chapter 6 through 19 for 7 years is great tribulation and the Church of Christ Jesus is no longer on planet earth.  Have fun looking ahead at the great and precious promises of GOD.   God loves us and went away to provide a Holy Place for us to live.  HE has left us with a choice.  If we would really like to make HIM truly our LORD and live with HIM in righteousness,  that can happen.   Love the Hawaiian Kingdom motto:   “The Life of the Land is perpetuated in righteousness.”   

Yours, in HIS great love,   Ken<><   www.Trinity-Aloha.org

If seeking more, read my book, a free link: “Keys To The Kingdom”  easy link to find on our homepage:   www.Trinity-Aloha.org


ALOHA FAMILY & FRIENDS,  Beloved of God,   John 3:16-18

PEACE,    “WORTH CONSIDERING”    5/1/20    From Ken<><

Today’s Scripture   (Found in my emails this morning from Texas.)
“…Let him have all your worries and cares, for he is always thinking about you and watching everything that concerns you…”  (1 Peter 5:7, TLB)

Restful Waters
Worry is a thief that steals your joy, your energy, and your sleep at night. You don’t make good decisions when you’re worried. You weren’t created to be constantly worried about your health, upset about your job, or stressed out over a friend who had been rude. Your mind needs a break. You weren’t designed to carry all that load. You have to turn your cares over to God.

David had all kinds of opposition and enemies coming against him. He could have lived upset and worried, but he understood this principle: “The Lord is my shepherd. He leads me to restful waters.” David was saying, “The way I keep my sanity and protect my peace on a regular basis is to go down to the still waters. I empty out all the worry and anxiety.” He let his mind rest. It can be chaotic all around you—traffic, people, problems, drama—but on the inside, in your spirit, you’re at rest.

A Prayer for Today
“Father, thank You that You are my good shepherd who leads me to restful waters. I turn my cares over to You, knowing I can’t carry this load on my own, but You can and will on my behalf. I declare that I am resting in You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Ken’s Thoughts:

A Big AMEN to this one….  This morning I was fixing my breakfast and cutting one of our very sweet papayas.  I was cleaning out the seeds and this person came into view in my mind that I had a confrontation with over the strings inside the papaya, I wanted them out, she liked them and insisted that I eat them.  That was years ago and so this morning as I was remembering and cleaning out the strings and this negativity started to be experienced again, I asked the LORD, “What’s with this, that was years ago.  “He simply replied, you have yet to forgive her.”  And I saw it immediately that in my self righteousness, I had been letting that unforgiveness mess up my papaya experience for years.  So, of course, let it go, blessed the lady and buried the experience in the sea of GOD wonderful forgetfulness.  Now I will pray for her and enjoy my papayas, even might eat a string or two just to get even with the enemy.  In our pride we tend to carry a whole basket full of past hurts, disagreements and divisions along with us like $100 dollar bills.  The same glue that we apply to others for their real and supposed wrongs also tends to glue us very nicely to this Adamic World System.

WE ARE ALL LOOKING FOR PEACE.  Problem is that we have difficulty in telling the truth from the lie.  Our world is so full of false advertising concerning what will give us peace.   In 1964 I was looking for another car.  My truck was great for my construction company and hunting.  My wife, Joanne, had a really big station wagon needed by our 8 kids.  And I was doing sales work for my company and was selling a hundred houses a year.   So some how I ended up in a Ford sales room as they were just rolling in a brand new 64 Thunderbird with metallic silver paint and a black landau hard top.   The buyer had ordered it with all of the bells and whistles and then changed his mind.  So they had it discounted to $4,350. bottom line.  That seems perfect for me so I bought it and paid cash and drove away.   For a few weeks, that was my new baby, not one little speck went UN-noticed.   Went into escrow one day, parked in the parking lot.  Notice a farm flat bed in the next stall, did not think much about it.  came out later and the whole left side of my babe was trashed.  Got it quickly fixed and a few weeks later a lady backing up took the whole side out a second time.   Got that fixed and was driving to Portland and the motor totally burned up on the freeway.  Got that fixed, took a long time, warranty…  But after that it became just a car and later traded it off on a piece of land in Cresswell on the Willamette River, an old junk yard.  And eventually sold that as well and so back to needing another set of wheels.   But that was the only new car that I ever bought in my life, a great learning experience.  What a big lie that was that I bought into.  The enemy always has a nice plan of destruction for your lives.   The one he is now working on me is to buy into teaching English/Bible in Japan or the Philippines, I have connections over there.  Could also be so very peaceful for an old guy with lot’s of respect and cost very little to live there.   But at my age it would be rather stupid.  With my present age and disabilities and the virus it would easily all come to nothing.  But the enemy keeps telling me that no one really reads the stuff that I write, anyway.   Most just hit delete.  They are mostly gospel hardened and could care less.  They are content with what they feel is God’s Truth for them.  Some have even told me that if God’s wants a soul, HE knows what to do about it.  That they are not really concerned about the lost as the saved will all get saved regardless.  So I wonder, been bettern a year now,  what do you think?   Write me:   ken@trinity-aloha.org

Bottom line PEACE is what is happening inside you with the Prince of Peace and is not subject to what is happening outside at all.  Even Ken Kesey knew that and reminded me of it outside his barn one Christmas at Pleasant Hill, Or.  https://keseyfarm.com/    Isa.9:6

Yours, in His Great Love and wonderful grace and mercy,   Ken<><   www.Trinity-Aloha.org

There is but one Church of Christ Jesus now and for eternity,
And all who truly love and obey HIM are members.

prophetic@revivalschool.com    Andrew Strom, N.Z.
“Our power in drawing others after the Lord mainly rests in our joy and communion with Him ourselves.” – J. G. Bellett
“Do not be satisfied with as much Christianity as will only ease your conscience.” – J. B. Stoney
“The great battles, the battles that decide our destiny and the destiny of generations yet unborn, are not fought on public platforms, but in the lonely hours of the night and in moments of agony.” – Samuel Logan Brengle
“You must pray with all your might…. It means fervent, effectual, untiring wrestling with God…This kind of prayer be sure the devil and the world and your own indolent, unbelieving nature will oppose. They will pour water on this flame.” – William Booth.


ALOHA FAMILY & FRIENDS,  Beloved of God,   John 3:16

RAIN,    “WORTH CONSIDERING,   4/30/20,     From Ken<><

Today’s Scripture   (Across my emails this morning from Texas.)
“…Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock…”   (Matthew 7:24, NIV)

Still Standing after the Storm

The Scripture says, “Your Father sends rain on the just and on the unjust.” Being a person of faith doesn’t exempt you from difficulties. Jesus told a parable about a wise man who built his house on a rock. This man honored God. Another man foolishly built his house on the sand. He didn’t honor God. Then the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on the houses of both the just and the unjust. But after the storm was over, the house built on the rock was still standing. The house built on the sand was completely ruined.

You may get knocked down and go through some dark, stormy times, but that’s just a part of life. It rains on everybody. The difference is that when you honor God, when you stay in faith, you have God’s promise that when the storm clears, you won’t be the victim; you’ll be the victor. You’ll still be standing.

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You that my life can be built on the rock that You are, and I can live to honor You. Thank You for Your promise that no matter what comes my way, when the storm is over, I’ll still be standing. I believe that You will bring me through. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Ken’s thoughts:
Interesting word, RAIN,   In the song by Michael W. Smith it is a prayer for the Holy Spirit for God to bring us into HIS Kingdom of Righteousness and change our lives to be in HIS image as the “LATTER RAIN” Joel 2:23, James 5:7  (The last great harvest before Rapture.)

Again RAIN is a metaphor to show God’s love and faithfulness in Matt. 5:45 “That ye may be (become) the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise o
n the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.”

And in the subject RAIN scripture in context is considered as destructive and as a warning to build on HIM,    Matt. 7:24-27   “Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: 25 and the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. 26 And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: 27 and the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.

So in one context rain is good and the Holy Spiri, in another God’s love is for everyone and yet another a warning to build on HIM or get washed away by it, Isa. 28:25-18, “Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death,  and with hell are we at agreement;  when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us:  for we have made lies our refuge,  and under falsehood have we hid ourselves:  16 therefore thus saith the Lord God,  Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone,  a precious corner stone, a sure foundation:  he that believeth shall not make haste.  17 Judgment also will I lay to the line,  and righteousness to the plummet:  and the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies,  and the waters shall overflow the hiding place.  18 And your covenant with death shall be disannulled,  and your agreement with hell shall not stand;  when the overflowing scourge shall pass through,  then ye shall be trodden down by it.   (A wake up call for Calvinists.)

Consider this scripture with several different translations,  freewill is the heart of it.

So again, Content without Context is Pretext.

So again always find the context for understanding the true meaning of a scripture concerning God’s Truth.  And with all of the lies that are in the spiritual and political arena today this is doubly important.  Paul mentioned this in his remarks in Eph:4:11-16.  The only sure ROCK (Foundation) that I know of is Christ Jesus.  His words are LIFE and TRUTH, He is the only sure foundation.  He is the Way, Truth  & Light.

As for us in Kealia during this down time, we are doing fine.   Have some plumbing to complete for a bathroom in the shop.   Then we will be looking to get the sheet rock done in the bathroom and make it usable.   Also have some carpentry work to do along with getting rid of a bunch of stuff that is taking up room and is no longer need.  Also have a lot of books to try to find a home for?  And looking for  help with the yard once a week to keep it from returning to being Jungle.

It has been beautiful weather here in Kealia about 75 degree days and 65 nights with humidity in the 50-60’s lawn growing like crazy.  More bananas, papayas, kabota squash than we know what to do with.  But as yet all of the parks and places to go are shut down Very few cars on he roads.  But it will probably lighten up a lot by the end of the month.   But I feel that a second wave may be on the way when the door is opened again, sorry to say that so take care to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit in what you do.

Yours, in HIS gret love and wonderful grace and mercy,   Ken<><   www.Trinity-Aloha.org


Brief News:
America’s top health official in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic dampened hopes of a full reopening of the U.S. economy as he expects many more cases of the virus disease COVID-19 as a second wave.   A principal United Nations agency warns that nearly half of the world’s working population may lose jobs and incomes as the coronavirus pandemic continues to devastate lives and economies. The International Labour Organization (ILO) said some 1.6 billion people are in “immediate danger of having their livelihoods destroyed” by the economic impact of the virus outbreak and related measures. worthybrief@worthynetwork.com


ALOHA FAMILY AND FRIENDS,  Beloved of God and me,   John 3:16-18

CHILDREN OF GOD,   “WORTH CONSIDERING” 4/29/20,   from Ken<>< 

Today’s Scripture
“…Dear friends, now we are the children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is…”  (1 John 3:2, NIV)

Start Thinking as a Son
It’s easy to have the wrong image of ourselves. The Scripture says, “Now we are the children of God,” but too many times, we live as though we don’t deserve to be blessed because we’ve made too many mistakes and had too many negative things come against us. We live with a slave mentality to mediocrity, to guilt, to lack, to addictions.

Stop thinking as a slave and start thinking as a son. Stop thinking about what you’ve been through and the mistakes you’ve made, and start thinking about who you are. A son of the Most High God doesn’t live feeling guilty and condemned about past mistakes; he receives mercy and moves forward. A son or daughter has a boldness, a confidence. You’ll expect God’s favor. You’ll believe for doors to open for you that you don’t deserve. Why? Because you’re not a slave, or a hired worker, or a friend of the family. You’re a free child of Almighty God!

A Prayer for Today
“Father, thank You that You have made me Your child, and I am no longer a slave. Thank You that You redeemed me, and You’re taking me forward into full freedom. I believe that I have Your favor, and the obstacles in my way will be overcome. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Ken’s Thoughts:
Obviously here the writer was inclusive of both men and women as a Child of God.  Of course the body that God gives us that we find ourselves in has a special gifting and purpose just as Mary became the mother of Jesus and took great care in HIS early development.  And Joseph was assigned to the responsibility of protection and support for the family.  Most don’t realize that Mary and Joseph had at least 6 other kids after Jesus was born.  So Jesus grew up with lots of temptations to get in the flesh with the other kids, I am sure.   James and Jude are contributors to our New Testament and added profound additions to Holy Scripture due to the care of Mary and Joseph.  So this carpenter family living in Nazareth was used of God to totally impact our world.  We each have the potential to impact our sick word full of Adam’s rebellion for our Creator God if we accept our role and gifting and submit it back to our Creator.  I am sure that Abraham, Moses, David and yes, even Jesus had times of reflection and temptation to consider being sucked into the world’s system.  In fact the whole 11th chapter of Hebrews is written about such people as us that decided to “Go for Broke” In fact the scriptures in prophesy record the event when the Church of Christ Jesus in all of HIS power and glory makes a clean sweep down fore and aft of the heavens, Rev.12:11 and it even mentions how it was done.   Hope you are there?

But I am sure that Jesus up to age 30 in Joseph’s carpentry shop was challenged by his daily life and at times in boredom and wondering about things as seeking to know more Truth & Light.  Abraham was 80 before his calling to have a life change of direction.  Moses spent 40 years learning how to be in charge of Egypt, then 40 years unlearning Egypt and was 80 years old before being used of God to deliver the children of Israel.  Jesus was 30 when the door opened for his ministry to begin and lasted for only about 3 short years then completed.   I once was praying about this and asking the Lord, when I could really get started in doing something important.  In my spirit He sort of laughed and said to me how old was Abraham before I called him?  Of course I quickly said “80″.  And Moses?   And I said, “80″ And HE said and how old are you, And I said “73″   And HE said, “And you are in a hurry.”   So 14 years later, basically,  my ministry has become the writing of this blog.  The little Kealia  house church has disappeared with the coming of the virus.  Still mentoring with some really great friends in the Word of God.  But nothing that looks of world shaking importance  for Christ Jesus.  And I have been told, and tend to believe it, “That little is much when GOD is in it?”  I do  remember a demonic deliverance in 1968 when the demon said, “Who do you think you are!!!” with a snarl…  It stopped me cold in my tracts, then the Holy Spirit spoke through me, loudly!!!   “ I am a blood washed son of the living God, now get out of there,” and it left.  So we are all in training to become like Jesus as the children of God, if we will accept it.   Seems I must have needed more time/grace than most for those needed changes to happen?  But I sure would love to experience the rapture.

Yours, in HIS great Love and wonderful Grace and Mercy,   Ken<><   www.Trinity-Aloha.org

Book Recommendation:   “Word & Spirit”  by R.T. Kendall  Will help you grow for sure.

A healthy spiritual diet isn’t rocket science. It’s actually a matter of “taste”….that is, “Taste and see that the LORD is good.” Be with Him, first and foremost. Just spend quiet time in His presence, without feeling like its an obligation. “The Word of God is living and active…” The Holy Spirit will bring that Word to greater life in your soul and body. 1 Timothy 4:8 adds: “For bodily exercise has some value, but godliness has value for all things, having the promise of the life which is now, and of that which is to come.” Let’s not neglect a healthy spiritual lifestyle — in these days we need to be on top of our game. Avoid spiritual junk food! That quiet time to be at complete peace, in God’s Word, in prayer, will feed your soul with the spiritual nutrition needed to fight the daily battles… with powerful immunity!   

A Wuhan laboratory is the ‘most likely’ source of the COVID-19 outbreak now ravaging the globe, according to a U.S. government analysis that catalogs the evidence and concludes that other explanations for the origin of the coronavirus are less credible.  Nearly nine out of every 10 Americans fear the imminent collapse of the U.S. economy during the coronavirus pandemic, according to a new poll. The Axios-Ipsos Coronavirus Index also showed that Americans fear the possible financial ruin of their nation more than the risk of reopening communities too early amid the virus outbreak.   More than 130,000 people from across the world, many in lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic, have decided to follow Jesus Christ after an online evangelism event, organizers said. “We are living through a Great Quarantine Revival, and I think God is just getting started,” explained evangelist Nick Hall, whose Pulse movement organized the virtual program.  Wycliffe Associates, an international organization working with national translators with close to 1,200 languages in progress, is expanding its Bible translation technological reach with V-MAST, a video conferencing version of the MAST (Mobilized Assistance Supporting Translation) methodology.     worthybrief@worthynetwork.com


ALOHA FAMILY & FRIENDS,  Beloved of God and me,   John 3:16-18

GIFTS & GRACE,    “WORTH CONSIDERING”   4/28/20,    From   Ken<><

Today’s Scripture      (In my e basket this morning from Texas.)
“…Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?…”  (John 6:9, NIV)

Truly Fulfilled
In today’s Scripture, a little boy had a sack lunch—five loaves of bread and two fish. Nothing much. Yet when thousands of people were hungry, Jesus took his lunch, multiplied it, and fed the whole crowd. Think about the boy’s mother who made the lunch. She was a homemaker raising a child without a title or acclaim. But titles don’t bring fulfillment. Keeping up with your neighbors doesn’t bring happiness. Trying to impress your friends will make your life miserable, but understanding your assignment and being comfortable with who God made you to be are what bring true fulfillment.

Don’t discount the gift God has given you. Are you secure enough to play the role that God has given you? Are you comfortable enough to not have to be number one, to have the title, to keep up with others? The beauty of our God is that He has given every one of us a specific gift and purpose.

A Prayer for Today
“Father, thank You that the gifts You have given me are custom-made. Thank You that You have matched me for what You want me to do, and I have exactly what I need to fulfill Your plan for my life. I declare that I am content with my assignment. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Ken’s Thoughts,
So we are considering obedience here.   By the scripture concerning the boy, seems that he must have offered his 2 fish and 5 small loaves as concerning the need in obedience to the Holy Spirit.  Most may have thought, “They came without food? Their Problem!”    The unnamed boy must have been caught up by the concern of the disciples of Jesus concerning the need and off hand confessed, “ I have a little.”  But obvious to all not nearly enough. 

It is about here that we usually pack our little lunch and find something else to do.  Let someone else feed the world or try to save the lost.  We only have enough for ourselves.  If God loves them then HE can feed and save them.   I have my favorite show to watch tonight and I have had a hard day trying to get others to do what they ought to do.  I have my own issues and my own security and my own comfort zone to be concerned about.  See ya latter….

But then there is the grace of God that works by faith that we need to learn more about.  I can remember back at Lighthouse Ranch that one evening more hippies showed up for our free dinner than we had ever seen before.  We were in a corner, not near enough food…  We said, OK LORD, the rest is up to you, we will feed till it is all gone and prayed.  Guess what, we also had left over stew the next day.  But this was a ministry of believers that were of one mind and one spirit and we only used the New Testament for our Spiritual Manuel.  And it worked.  Just like John 17:20-26.   We had done all that we knew to do.   Free non-saleable from Safeway produce, Beef at  .15 cent a # neck bones as butcher did not like to take the time to extract the beef.  Gov. surplus flour and butter.   Free day old bread from a bakery.   70+ people were fed for less than about $15.  All we had to do was to collect it for the 6 PM meal time and invite those who came to enjoy our 7PM Fellowship as per 1 Cor.14:26-33 & Eph.4:11-16… simple following the pattern given to Moses as followed by the Early Church in Acts 2:37-47.  A casual walk through the tabernacle in the wilderness.  Church is not a theater as we normally do today which is very safe.  But it was a forum which is explosive and like popcorn, you never know what is going to happen.  You simply try to keep up with and flow in the Holy Spirit.  No gathering is ever the same.   I had to repent one time for jumping track to my little flock, and the meeting ended in bringing a hard headed Jew to repentance and making Jesus LORD.  When the Holy Spirit is in charge there is much joy, peace, excitement and power flowing during the time of the gathering.  I can remember folks coming a 5 PM as to not miss anything and gathering lasting till 3 AM as very few wanted to go home.  It is time to put the Holy Spirit back in charge of the LORD’s CHURCH as that is HIS ministry and what HE was supposed to do.  We have reorganized HIS Church to be both safe and boring.  And we have modified HIS Truth to be more acceptable to us.  The darkness is getting much darker but Praise The Lord, HIS LIGHT is getting much brighter.  Want to enjoy living with the Creator?  Better do some really good time checking out your doctrine in your Bible, especially concerning leadership & structure.  It is not top down authority, it is bottom up,   Like with Jesus…

Yours, in HIS great love and wonderful grace and mercy,    Ken<><   www.Trinity-Aloha.org

There is but one Church of Christ Jesus now and forever,
And all who truly love and obey Jesus are members.

In your relationships with one another, have the same mind set as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death— even death on a cross!  Phil. 2:5-8

“I can’t help but see a parallel in which our Heavenly Father is disciplining His children whom He loves. It seems to me that our Abba (Dad) has sent us to our room to re-evaluate our attitude and behavior, and hopefully to read and meditate on His Book in a quiet time separated from the world and our normal frantic activities.  He’s giving us time to re-evaluate our lives, draw near to Him, seek and pray to Him to better understand the serious times in which we’re living, and prepare…for what we’re called to do for the Kingdom in the coming days. George, Baht Rivka”    worthybrief@worthynetwork.com   

The US Congressional Budget Office (CBO) predicted on Friday that, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, America’s deficit will reach $3.7 trillion this year, Politico reports. The CBO also said that unemployment will rise to 16 percent in 2020, before going to down to 9.5 percent by the end of 2021.  A new report of a respected U.S. researcher concludes that more Americans believe in Satan than belief in God. George Barna, whose work is based at the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University, also writes: “Tens of millions of Americans consider themselves to be Christian but do not believe that God is really in control or cares what happens to them.”  worthybrief@worthynetwork.com


ALOHA FAMILY & FRIENDS,   Beloved of God and me,   John 3:16-18,   12:24-26,   17:30-22

FREEDOM OF GOD TRUTH,      “WORTH CONSIDERING”   4/27/20   from:   Ken<><

Today’s Scripture   (Found in my emails, this morning from Texas.)
“…Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you…”  (Luke 10:19, ESV)

You Have the Authority
If God be for you, who dare be against you? Quit telling yourself, “I’ll always struggle in this area. I’ll never lose this weight. I’ll never get out of debt.” Change your perspective. You are not weak, defeated, or inferior. You are full of “can do” power. The same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives inside you. Tap into that power. Greater is He that’s in you than he that comes against you. You are more than a conqueror.

Now start putting things under your feet. Think of that word tread in today’s Scripture. One translation says “to trample.” God has not only put it under your feet, but He has armed you with authority and strength to be victorious. He has already equipped you. If you will see these obstacles as being under your feet, as being already defeated, a new boldness will rise up. Your faith will activate God’s power in a new way.

A Prayer for Today
“Father, thank You that You have given me power to tread on all the power of the enemy because Your Spirit lives in me. I believe that I can look down in faith and see my obstacles as being stepping stones to take me higher. I am more than a conqueror. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Ken’s Thoughts:
OK, Now we have an issue here, Jesus said this expressly to HIS disciples and Paul proved it was true in being bitten by a poison snake with no negative results.  But then we have snake handlers in Kentucky trying to prove this verse for themselves and some die.  The issue here is the difference between the Logos and Rhema of God the head knowledge and heart faith in the Holy Spirit coming together.  It is not enough to know the truth of God in our minds but to be effective it must be activated by the Holy Spirit or anointing of God through real faith in the heart.  God’s Truth and God’s Grace must flow together for the supernatural to be experienced.  So to enjoy the victory of Romans 8 and Luke 10:19 in humility and obedience we must also be walking in the Spirit of God and be guided by HIM.  In some cases we will be guided to avoid the serpent and in other cases we will kill the serpent but it is up to the Holy Spirit to guide us through those times when we walk through the “Valley of the Shadow of Death.”  Many time in my life, even prior to becoming a Christian, the Holy Spirit saved me from death due to the absolute foreknowledge of God..  Might make an interesting little book.  Also twice in ministry I was seriously threatened with death and the Holy Spirit gave me the words to say and it did not happen.  But the key for me was to stay in humility and obedience to the Holy Spirit and not try to go it alone in my pride of being able or knowing how to take care of myself..  

So I truly do hope that you learn to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit and stay out of trouble but in today’s world, if you live Godly in Christ Jesus,  please do expect to be persecuted.  Even in your own home.  If you are not under persecution, something is wrong.  5 times in the New Testament it is mentioned that those who have the humility to speak God’s word will not be received, especially in their own homes.   There is a joke running around with some truth to it that a prophet is only acknowledged when he is at least 50 miles from home.  This was true of Jesus and it can be true for you and me in our own families.  Most of my family seems to think that I have become a religious nut.  Some have even asked to not be on my mailing list.  But back to the Subject you must first know the Word of God as God will to not violate the words of HIS that HE has spoken through HIS prophets.  Jesus even used the words of Moses to defeat the devil on the Mount of Temptation.  And HE taught us the the Word of God’s Prophets can not be broken.  “Jesus answered them,   “Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? 35 If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken;  36 say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God?  John 10:34-36.   Remember now, Adam was and still is recorded as a Son of God in Luke 3:38.    The only difference between Adam and Jesus was that Adam was made, Jesus was begotten as also the “Son of Man”.  Adam rebelled but Jesus was totally obedient even to the very painful death of Crucifixion.  We have been blessed with a very temporary life on planet earth to decide whether we will follow Adam or Jesus.  Our decision will be eternal with no opportunity to change our mind on the other side of that final and ultimate eternal door.  

If you carefully read through John, Acts and Romans you will easily find the core thoughts of the whole Bible, the bones, if you will.  But the read can not be superficial, you must carefully consider each of the thoughts of John, Luke and Paul as to what they were meaning by what they were given by the Holy Spirit to share with you.  And if you have any questions, I would be very happy to try to help.   Not that I know it all, I don’t.  But I have been seeking God’s truth for more years than most of you have been alive.   And it is so easy to be caught up in this worlds greed, lust and power trips.  I was never a hippy and never took drugs but I sure learned a lot from them that was practical.  Especially, that “Life consists not in the abundance of things but by GOD’s Holy Truth.  Many Hippies were totally seeking God’s Truth and many found it in the 60-70’s revival of the Holy Spirit.

Then He said to them, “Watch out and guard yourselves against every form of greed; for not even when one has an overflowing abundance does his life consist of nor is it derived from his possessions.  16 Then He told them a parable, saying, “There was a rich man whose land was very fertile and productive. 17 And he began thinking to himself, ‘What shall I do, since I have no place [large enough in which] to store my crops?’ 18 Then he said, ‘This is what I will do: I will tear down my storehouses and build larger ones, and I will store all my grain and my goods there. 19 And I will say to my soul, “Soul, you have many good things stored up, [enough] for many years; rest and relax, eat, drink and be merry (celebrate continually).”’ 20 But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your soul is required of you; and now who will own all the things you have prepared?’  Luke 12:14-24.

Yours, in HIS great love and wonderful grace and mercy, Ken<><   www.Trinity-Aloha.org

There is but one Church of Christ Jesus.
And all who truly Love and Obey Christ Jesus are members.
John 17


Aloha Family & Friends,  Beloved of God and me….   John 3:16-18

FREEDOM,     “WORHT CONSIDERING”   4/24/20   from Ken<><

Today’s Scripture
“…to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment…”
(1 Timothy 6:17, NIV)

Enjoy the Simple Things
Don’t miss a great season in your life wishing you had more, complaining about what you don’t have. The real joy in life is in the simple things—making memories with your family, riding your bikes together, watching the sunset with your spouse, or staring up at the stars at night. You don’t have to have big vacations or lots of money to have fun. Learn to enjoy the simple things in life.

Could it be that you’re at the right place for the season that you’re in, but you’re not enjoying it? Maybe if you would step back and see it from a new perspective, you would realize that God has you in the palms of His hands. He knows where you are, what you like, and what you don’t like. Instead of living discontented, frustrated, always wishing you were somewhere else, embrace the place where you are. See the good. Be grateful for what you have.

A Prayer for Today
“Father, thank You for being the God who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Help me find real joy in the beauty of this moment and in life’s simple things. I declare that I will embrace the place where I am and be grateful for what I have. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Ken’s Thoughts:
Really a great message today to consider.   When we walk with the Holy Spirit in loving humility and obedience we are promised to be provided for with all of our needs according to the Riches and Glory in Christ Jesus.  And that HE would see to it that we are never without food and shelter.  The problem comes when we expect God’s blessing when we are in sin and disobedient.  We quickly forget that our Creator has in place an immutable Law of sowing and reaping.  In Isa. 53 we see Jesus, the Christ, setting us free from the sins of Adam and the ones that we repent for.  But if we still lie. covet, and are prideful in this world in our words and actions, how then can God bless?  In the past I have had to counsel with a pregnant young woman who was very repentant.  But 9 months later there was a brand new soul to take care of anyway..  I once made a 15 minute decision that took 17 years of pain to account for.  And a difficult lesson to learn, for me, anyway.  Jesus taught us that God’s Truth, HIS Truth was given to set us free.  Free to be whole of Spirit and free of rebellion and pride and anger and negative thoughts, words and actions.   But the lies of this world are so very many and presented in such a deceitful way.  I once was driving from L.A. to San Diego and along the way you can rarely see the beautiful country for the really big bill boards.  There is one I remember passing that had a warm fireplace scene with a lovely lady in black velvet about 20′ tall next to an vintage round oak table.  The only words on the whole billboard were the words: “Black Velvet on the bottle of whisky besider her on the table with two glasses.  The lie, buy the whisky, you can have the girl.  Guess it sold a lot of whisky as it was a very expensive billboard.  My personal experience with whisky is that those who bought that lie, paid a lot more than money for the pain and suffering that settled in from it over the years.  The concept of buy now, pay later that I see in auto publicity is such a big scam.  And our world is full of demonic scams like that which will in no time at all try to snare you into a net and keep you captive till you life is over.  In the O.T. Isa. 61 share with us God’s promised provision.  And in Luke 4:18-21 we find the fulfillment.   ““The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me (the Messiah),  Because He has anointed Me to preach the good news to the poor.  He has sent Me to announce release (pardon, forgiveness) to the captives,  And recovery of sight to the blind,  To set free those who are oppressed (downtrodden, bruised, crushed by tragedy), I like to add to this 1 Cor.1:16-31   “Just look at your own calling, believers; not many [of you were considered] wise according to human standards, not many powerful or influential, not many of high and noble birth. 27 But God has selected [for His purpose] the foolish things of the world to shame the wise [revealing their ignorance], and God has selected [for His purpose] the weak things of the world to shame the things which are strong [revealing their frailty]. 28 God has selected [for His purpose] the insignificant (base) things of the world, and the things that are despised and treated with contempt, [even] the things that are nothing, so that He might reduce to nothing the things that are, 29 so that no one may [be able to] boast in the presence of God. 30 But it is from Him that you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God [revealing His plan of salvation], and righteousness [making us acceptable to God], and sanctification [making us holy and setting us apart for God], and redemption [providing our ransom from the penalty for sin], 31 so then, as it is written [in Scripture], “He who boasts and glories, let him boast and glory in the Lord.”

“There will be no great Revival until the people of God are deeply convicted of their need of holiness.”   -MAJOR ALLISTAIRE SMITH (Salvation Army).
“A God-sent Revival must ever be related to holiness”   – Duncan Campbell.
“That such widespread misunderstanding should exist about the word (sanctification) and its meaning, is a spiritual disaster. If there is one New Testament term more than another which calls for rescue it is that precious, expressive word, Sanctification.”   -Sidlow Baxter.  
 “Believers must be brought into conviction of the shame and evil of the carnal state. God brings believers  into, what may be called, a second conviction – conviction of a need of deliverance from the power of sin.”  – ANDREW MURRAY.
“True holiness is a Revival of Holiness. Personal holiness is more desirable than happiness, he (Duncan Campbell) taught, and it is not in heaven alone that God wants our saintliness – it is here and now; holiness is not just a doctrine to be taught, it is a way of life – it is the life of Jesus.” – DUNCAN CAMPBELL.
“God Who delivers us from the guilt of sin through faith in Jesus Christ, is able to deliver the believer from the power of sin as well.” – J. EDWIN ORR.

U.S. unemployment is nearing levels of the Great Depression of the 1930s, with one in 6 Americans of working age out of a job as the coronavirus pandemic essentially shut down the economy. About 4.4 million Americans filed for unemployment insurance last week alone, reported the U.S. Labor Department on Thursday.    worthybrief@worthynetwork.com

Yours in HIS great love and wonderful grace and mercy,   Ken<><   www.Trinity-Aloha.org


ALOHA FAMILY & FRIENDS,   Beloved of God and me,   John 2:16-18

VISION  OF  GOD,    “WORTH CONSIDERING”    4/23/20    From Ken<><

Today’s Scripture   (In my emails this morning from Texas.)
“…Here comes that dreamer!” they said to each other…”  (Genesis 37:19, NIV)

Protect Your Dream
As a young man, God gave Joseph a dream that one day his parents and his brothers would bow down before him. Joseph should have used more wisdom and not told them about his dream. Some people can’t handle what God has put inside you. They won’t celebrate you; rather, as Joseph’s brothers did, they’ll get jealous of you and start finding fault.

When you have a dream, you’re going to have some detractors. Sometimes the people closest to you will be the least supportive. When you believe that you can overcome an illness, pay off your house, or be successful in spite of past mistakes, some people will become jealous and try to make you look bad or try to talk you out of it. Don’t try to prove who you are or convince them to believe in you. You don’t need their approval. You have Almighty God’s approval. You wouldn’t have that opposition if you didn’t have something great in you.

A Prayer for Today
“Father, thank You that You’ve put my dream in my heart. Help me to remember that doesn’t mean it’s going to come to pass without opposition, delays, and adversaries. I believe that I am moving forward with Your approval, and that’s all I need. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Ken’s Thoughts,
The scripture quickly comes to mind: “Where there is no vision [no revelation of God and His word], the people are unrestrained;  But happy and blessed is he who keeps the law [of God].  Prov. 39:18,  
In the original purpose (vision) of God as found concerning you and me we find these thoughts, “Then God said, “Let Us (Father, Word, Holy Spirit) make man in Our image, according to Our likeness [not physical, but a spiritual personality and moral likeness]; and let them have complete authority over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the cattle, and over the entire earth, and over everything that creeps and crawls on the earth.” Gen. 1:27   So God created man in His own image, in the image and likeness of God He created him; male and female He created them.  And seems to me what God envisions must eventually come to pass.  We also find this same vision with Christ Jesus in Hebrews: “[looking away from all that will distract us and] focusing our eyes on Jesus, who is the Author and Perfecter of faith [the first incentive for our belief and the One who brings our faith to maturity], who for the joy [of accomplishing the goal] set before Him endured the cross, disregarding the shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God [revealing His deity, His authority, and the completion of His work].” Heb.12:2

And were the rubber meats the road we see that in God’s Vision    That it is in accepting God’s vision and great promises as heart valid that we begin to walk out HIS vision for us.  Paul confirms this in a letter, “Therefore, since we have these [great and wonderful] promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, completing holiness [living a consecrated life—a life set apart for God’s purpose] in the fear of God.” 2 Cor. 7:1

Peter shares it this way: “For by these He has bestowed on us His precious and magnificent promises [of inexpressible value], so that by them you may escape from the immoral freedom that is in the world because of disreputable desire, and become sharers of the divine nature 2 Peter 1:4 and further: “For this very reason, applying your diligence [to the divine promises, make every effort] in [exercising] your faith to, develop moral excellence, and in moral excellence, knowledge (insight, understanding),

But if we do not take the time to really find and consider the promises of God, how can we find the faith to walk them out.  If we make life in this world more important than the Truth of God’s Kingdom then where will we place our time and energy.

So of the promises that make my spiritual clock tick are as follows:
God has and will provide everything that I need to become like HIM if I want to go for it.  That I can have here now every thing that was given to Christ Jesus to have an overcoming victory if I will only have heart faith for it.  Head faith only has hope, heart faith is to know without doubt.

That my Creator God has a vision of helping  me, through Christ Jesus become like HIM and be family.  And I need to find others of the same debt of heart faith and join with them to become like HIM, Eph.4:11-16.

That like Christ Jesus my Kingdom in Christ Jesus and HIS church is not of this world.  That HIS Kingdom is real and eternal and this world it temporary, John 12:24-26

And that God’s Truth in Christ Jesus will cause many, even family members to be divided and rupture relationships.  Especially as God’s light gets brighter and the darkness gets darker.  Souls who love the darkness of this world, like Cain, will try to extinguish the light if at all possible.

In John 17, John records this one only prayer in our New Testament.  The prayers if for our UNITY.   One of the verses (22) in the Prayer was very enlightening for me:   20 “I do not pray for these alone [it is not for their sake only that I make this request], but also for [all] those who [will ever] believe and trust in Me through their message, 21 that they all may be one; just as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be one in Us, so that the world may believe [without any doubt] that You sent Me. 22 I have given to them the glory and honor which You have given Me, that they may be one, just as We are one; 23 I in them and You in Me, that they may be perfected and completed into one, so that the world may know [without any doubt] that You sent Me, and [that You] have loved them, just as You have loved Me. 24 Father, I desire that they also, whom You have given to Me [as Your gift to Me], may be with Me where I am, so that they may see My glory which You have given Me, because You loved Me before the foundation of the world.

Yours, in HIS great love and wonderful grace and mercy,   Ken<><   www.Trinity-Aloha.org