ALOHA FAMILY & FRIENDS,  Beloved of God,   John 3:16-18

LOVE     “WORTH CONSIDERING”   10/3/19   (Across my desk this morning.)

Today’s Scripture
“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers…”
(1 Peter 4:8, NIV)
Above All

So often people try to make others fit into their own mold, conform to their ideas, and be just like them. We think, “If they would just change, I wouldn’t get upset. If they would just do it the way I want, they wouldn’t get on my nerves.” But really, we need to give people room to be who God created them to be. Life is too short to spend it trying to fix everybody. Sure, we should encourage people and help them grow and come up higher. But we have to get to the point where we step back and say, “All right, this is who God made them to be, and I’m going to accept them the way they are. Just because they don’t have my same strengths, I’m not going to let that frustrate me.”

We have to choose love every day because love covers our differences and offenses. Love makes allowances for other people’s weaknesses. Love overlooks a wrong done to it. Love is what allows us to appreciate what others bring into our lives, and it brings us together in unity. Today, above all, choose love. Choose to focus on the things that make your relationships stronger, because in the end, love is all that remains.

A Prayer for Today
“Father, today I choose to set my heart and mind on You. I choose to love others the way You have commanded. Give me the strength to walk in Your ways and understand Your love more each day in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

My Thoughts,
The word Love is used in our culture to mean many different things from like to obsession about most anything.  The other day I was instructed by a street person that God was LOVING like Santa Clause ????  In turn I gave him a sheet of paper on both sides printed with the verses of scripture concerning GOD’s WRATH.   So for me I see GOD is in total balance with Heaven and Love on one end of the spectrum and Hell and Wrath on the other.  But to stay with the subject of LOVE,  I ask the HOLY SPIRIT one time as to God’s definition of the word LOVE.   In my heart of hearts came the reply,  “Love is the greatest good for the other person regardless of personal cost.”  For me, a good answer and exactly what Christ Jesus did for us.

The Holy Scriptures share with us about love a lot like in 1 Cor. 13 and in another scripture, But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:”  Eph.4:15.  So we see here that Truth and Love are partners to help us grow up to be like Christ Jesus.  So with God,  His Truth and Spiritual Growth are included in HIS definition of LOVE.  And all of the other manipulations and excesses that we think are LOVE are not.  So often folks in the world use the word love to manipulate and control.  Like:  “If you love me,  let me.”   or  “If you don’t let me, you don’t love me.”  I do love my old truck a lot, but not the same as I love Jesus for HIS love and forgiveness and redemption.

So to God’s process of Sanctification through the Holy Spirit in becoming like Christ Jesus.  It is a work in progress after we make Christ Jesus LORD and give HIM the right and authority to help us change.  Sometimes it is just the need to learn and grow up in HIM.  Sometimes we have squatters hiding in the basement or attic of our house that need to be evicted that we don’t even know are there.  But as the Holy Spirit begins to fill our house, HE will show us how we can make more room for HIS presence and ministry.  God does give grace to the humble and if we will allow HIM to clean out our house HE will do a good job of it.  He want’s us to learn and grow and change to become in HIS image and likeness but He also needs our OK.   He also would like our help with others who are seeking HIS light and truth and love.  Even those who don’t even know what to seek but only know that they are empty and incomplete without HIM.  He has in mind for us to be Jr. partners in the creation of the New Heavens and New Earth that HE is going to create in righteousness.  He has a vision for us to become HIS loving family through Christ Jesus to fill the heavens and to enjoy the works of HIS hands as any good father would do with his kids.  But as infinite is HIS love so also is HIS wrath. Seems like the prophesy of Christ Jesus in The Revelation has been totally edited out by many so called christians as they don’t understand the balance of our INFINITE GOD OF LOVE.  Jesus was not in sin in HIS anger of upending the tables of the money changers or in telling the religious leaders that they were the children of satan in John 8.  It was the Truth in LOVE. Our Loving Heavenly Father would like all to be saved, but the choice is up to us.  Romans 1 tells us HIS Truth in Love and that the lost will be without excuse.  That they are totally responsible for their own decisions and the final destination of their own souls into eternal light or darkness.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Yours, in HIS great love and wonderful grace and mercy among the living.    Ken<><

The historian D'Aubigne writes: "A great work of God is never  accomplished by the natural strength of man. It is from the dry   bones, the darkness and the dust of death, that God is pleased to  select the  instruments by means of which He designs to scatter over  the earth His light, regeneration and life." [- D'Aubigne's "History of   the Reformation"].  1 Cor.1:22-31 "Worth Considering"    The world is getting really weird.   

Christian News
Christian Doc Loses Job as UK Judge Rules ‘Biblical View of Male and Female’ Violates ‘Human Dignity’    An experienced Christian doctor in the United Kingdom was forced out of his job as a disability benefits assessor for refusing to use transgender pronouns while working for the British government. Now he has lost his lawsuit against the government after refusing, hypothetically, to refer to ‘a six-foot-tall bearded man’ as ‘madam.’


ALOHA FAMILY & FRIENDS,   Beloved of God,   John 3:16-18

VICTORY,        “WORTH CONSIDERING”    10/2/10.   (Across my desk this morning.)

Today’s Scripture
“But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere…”
(2 Corinthians 2:14, ESV)
Another Victory Is On The Way

Are you facing challenges or difficulties today? Maybe something has happened that could easily discourage you and cause you to give up on your dreams. I want to remind you that where you are is not where you are going to stay. God has a good plan in store for your future. When you stay in step with Him, you’ll walk right into victory. The Scripture tells us that God wants to take us from glory to glory, from victory to victory. Even if you are between victories right now, keep your passion. Keep your enthusiasm. Focus on the fact that God has another level for you—another level of glory, another level of increase, another level of His favor.

Today I encourage you to go out with a smile on your face. Give Him your best. When you thank God for what He has done, you are sowing a seed that He will use in your future. Keep praying, keep believing, keep hoping, and stand strong because another victory is coming your way!

A Prayer for Today
“Father God, right now I choose to focus my mind and heart completely on You. I choose to step out of discouragement, step out of complacency, step out of worry, and step in to Your glory. You alone are worthy, and I thank You for the victory You have in store for my future in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

My Thoughts:

Ever heard that expression:  “Take care for what you wish for, you just might get it.”  God’s direction guides us to Positive victories in HIS Kingdom.  Our old nature can result in securing what is wasteful and painful for us.  So before we focus on securing something it is best if we find out that it is also the will of GOD for us to have it.  Even in picking out a wife or husband.  We are so prone to be sold on something emotionally and then totally focus on securing it and then it sits in a closet to be added to the other stuff that we don’t use.   I bought an expensive metal detector long ago as I thought that finding coins & rings on the beach would be a great way to get sun and exercise and find stuff.  That was years ago, never ever got to the beach,  don’t even know now what happened to it.  So much of our life in what we do may be important at the time to us.  But really,  what is important to GOD and what will last for eternity?  That is really where we need to be victorious.  God has granted us Victory in Romans 8 that is profound but what we seek to have victory in must also be guided by the Holy Spirit or it is a waste of time.  I look back and now feel that I really missed it,   I should have given my children more of my time especially in teaching them about the Kingdom of GOD.  And especially in taking them fishing and rock hunting and getting out in the woods where GOD is easy to experience.  I was saved in finding the LORD in 1 Cor.3:14-15 but did not really understand how important it was  to build with gold, silver and precious stones in the Holy Spirit on the foundation of Christ Jesus.  So much of what I have done has only been wood, hay and stubble to be burned.  Apostle Paul continues in that letter to lament for those so called Christians that are still caught up in the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and pride of this world in sharing this:

We are [looked upon as] fools on account of Christ and for His sake, but you are [supposedly] so amazingly wise and prudent in Christ! We are weak, but you are [so very] strong! You are highly esteemed, but we are in disrepute and contempt!  11 To this hour we have gone both hungry and thirsty; we [[a]habitually] wear but one undergarment [and shiver in the cold]; we are roughly knocked about and wander around homeless.  12 And we still toil unto weariness [for our living], working hard with our own hands. When men revile us [[b]wound us with an accursed sting], we bless them. When we are persecuted, we take it patiently and endure it.  13 When we are slandered and defamed, we [try to] answer softly and bring comfort. We have been made and are now the rubbish and filth of the world [the offscouring of all things, the scum of the earth].  14 I do not write this to shame you, but to warn and counsel you as my beloved children.  1 Cor. 4:10-14.  Amplified

So far, as me being a Christian, what has it cost me,  very little.  Personally, I have never missed a meal unless I wanted to.  I have never had a concern about clothing or in being homeless.  God has always been there for me.   As to being slandered and defamed and treated like rubbish for being a Bible Christian,  I have experienced some of that kind of persecution.  But the scriptures tells me to expect that as all who try to live godly in Christ Jesus shall be persecuted.   And especially by family.  So you might want to take an inventory:  Do you really know the will of God for yourself.  Rom.8.    Are you a Bible Christian or you only a so called emotional christian through osmosis, a do gooder.  Have you ever helped guide someone into the Kingdom of God in making Christ Jesus, LORD?  To where their life was changed and they were filled with the Holy Spirit.  With our Creator God, this is HIS top drawer,  is it yours?   This is the essence of real and eternal victory….  This is what Jesus died for.

Yours,  In HIS great love and wonderful grace and mercy,   Ken<><                  You will find a hot link on our HomePage: for more “Worth Considering”  blogs.   “THERE IS BUT ONE CHURCH OF CHRIST JESUS AND ALL WHO TRULY LOVE AND OBEY HIM ARE MEMBERS.”


ALOHA FAMILY & fRIENDS,  Beloved of God,  John 3:16

MASTERPIECE,     “WORTH CONSIDERING”    10/1/19,    (Across my desk this morning.)

Today’s Scripture
“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Ps. 139:14
Anointed to Be You

Did you know that when you compare yourself to others or wish you were like someone else, it’s like saying God just didn’t do a good job? It’s actually like saying, “God, why did You make me sub par? Why did You make me less than?” Realize that God didn’t make anyone inferior. He didn’t make any person second class. You are a masterpiece! You are fully loaded and totally equipped for the race that’s been designed for you!

Today, let your attitude be, “I may not look like someone else or have the job that someone else has, but that’s okay. Nobody will ever be a better me. I’m anointed to be me. I’m equipped to be me!” Remember, it’s easy to be yourself and to do what you are equipped to do. Don’t fall into the trap of trying to be like someone else. Accept who God made you to be and embrace the good things He has prepared for you!

A Prayer for Today
“Father, thank You for making me. Thank You for equipping me to fulfill my destiny. Today I choose to focus on what You’ve placed in my hand knowing that as I am faithful to You, You will direct my steps. I bless You and praise You for who You are in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

My Thoughts:
Often I use the fact that there is not one snowflake or cherry blossom that is alike.  In our conception we are created a new eternal soul in a temporary body and we have been gifted and designed to fulfill the vision that God created for us to be and to do in light.   And HE has not given us the spirit of fear but of love, power and a sound mind.  His initial vision was and is to see us totally created in HIS Image and Likeness and to join HIM as HIS family.  But included in the package HE had to include a free will as that is also part of who HE is.  In fact, love is totally dependent upon having free will as love is a choice.   And our free will can help us to be joined with HIM in this marvelous potential creation or not.  We are wonderfully made in spite of Adam’s pride and rebellion and sin which has sometimes caused a genetic issues.   My kidneys are not what they could have been nor were my father’s nor those of my children.  But In fact, by faith, healing is even available now if we learn to apply it properly.  But also in the resurrection the restoration will totally eliminate all of the vestiges of Adam’s sin. We will all be changed in the resurrection to be like God had originally intended for us to be before Adam sinned.  So look up, as our redemption is much closer than we think.  We, who follow HIM,  shall all be changed to be like HIM in the twinkling of an eye and so shall we ever be with the LORD.  So it is imperative that we get the word out that Jesus is coming soon and to be ready as per Matt:24″8 – chapter 25.   Please find attached a paper that I have gathered together on,  “The Coming of The King”   Hope you take time to read and enjoy it.

Yours, in HIS great love and wonderful grace and mercy,   Ken<><   (Past blogs may be found at  with a hot link to “Worth Considering.”    THERE IS BUT ONE CHURCH OF CHRIST JESUS AND ALL WHO TRULY LOVE AND OBEY HIM ARE MEMBERS.)


ALOHA FAMILY & FRIENDS,  Beloved of God,  John 3:16-18

ETERNITY       “WORTH CONSIDERING”     9/30/19   (Across my desk this morning.)

Today’s Scripture
“But the path of the [uncompromisingly] just and righteous is like the light of dawn, that shines more and more (brighter and clearer) until [it reaches its full strength and glory in] the perfect day…”   (Proverbs 4:18, AMPC)
An Exceptional Future

We all face challenges. We all have obstacles to overcome. But if we can keep the right perspective, it will help us stay in faith so that we can move forward into victory. You may feel right now as though the challenges you face are too big or too overwhelming. One thing I’ve learned is that average people have average problems. Ordinary people have ordinary challenges. But remember, you’re not average. You’re not ordinary. You are extraordinary. God breathed His life into you. You are exceptional, and exceptional people face exceptional difficulties.

But the good news is that we serve an exceptional God! When you have an extraordinary problem, instead of being discouraged, be encouraged, knowing that you’re an extraordinary person, and you have an extraordinary future. Your path is shining brighter and brighter because of your extraordinary God! Be encouraged today because your life is on an extraordinary path. Keep standing in faith, keep declaring victory, keep declaring the promises of God over your life because you have an exceptional future!

A Prayer for Today
“Father, today I lift my eyes to You. I know that You are the One who helps me and has given me an extraordinary future. I choose to stand in faith today knowing that You have a wonderful plan in store for me in Jesus’ name! Amen”

Most folks that I know seem to be trying to live in both worlds or both dimensions.  They try to live the good life in our time dimension with a hopeful eye on heaven.  Jesus through John tells us that is not possible,  but we try to do it anyway.  Here is what Jesus taught,  I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains [just one grain; it never becomes more but lives] by itself alone. But if it dies, it produces many others and yields a rich harvest.  25 Anyone who loves his life loses it, but anyone who hates his life in this world will keep it to life eternal. [Whoever has no love for, no concern for, no regard for his life here on earth, but despises it, preserves his life forever and ever.]  26 If anyone serves Me, he must continue to follow Me [[a]to cleave steadfastly to Me, conform wholly to My example in living and, if need be, in dying] and wherever I am, there will My servant be also. If anyone serves Me, the Father will honor him.  John 12:24-26.

If you are a TRUE servant of Christ Jesus then HIS concerns will become your concerns.  What HE loved you will love.  What HE rejected, you will reject.  You will be in a sanctification process of becoming like HIM.

And this principle is everywhere in the New Testament.  We must switch
from being time centered to being eternity centered to be on track with our Creator.  Some of what I do today may be necessary for my physical existence but how much of my time is really being invested of my eternal life in the dimension of eternity?   I am an eternal soul now living in a very temporary house destined to live with my Creator for eternity after my testing.  So, as Jesus said: It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” Matt.4:4  &   “ My mother and my brethren are these which hear the word of God, and do it.

In other words, our real and eternal family is spiritual and not physical.  Our physical family may or may not become spiritual as all of us have the choice to make as to being self centered or Jesus centered.  To make this world our home or God’s Righteous New Kingdom our home in Christ Jesus.  Jesus made if very clear that to be gather into HIS eternal home we had to have a second birth from above that would change our way of seeing things.   That this time dimension will eventually cease and this world will be cremated and made new.  So are you building for that new world of God or are you building for this temporary world headed for destruction?  For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that He [even] gave up His only begotten ([a]unique) Son, so that whoever believes in (trusts in, clings to, relies on) Him shall not perish (come to destruction, be lost) but have eternal (everlasting) life.17 For God did not send the Son into the world in order to judge (to reject, to condemn, to pass sentence on) the world, but that the world might find salvation and be made safe and sound through Him.  18 He who believes in Him [who clings to, trusts in, relies on Him] is not judged [he who trusts in Him never comes up for judgment; for him there is no rejection, no condemnation—he incurs no damnation]; but he who does not believe (cleave to, rely on, trust in Him) is judged already [he has already been convicted and has already received his sentence] because he has not believed in and trusted in the name of the only begotten Son of God. [He is condemned for refusing to let his trust rest in Christ’s name.]  19 The [basis of the] judgment (indictment, the test by which men are judged, the ground for the sentence) lies in this: the Light has come into the world, and people have loved the darkness rather than and more than the Light, for their works (deeds) were evil.  20 For every wrongdoer hates (loathes, detests) the Light, and will not come out into the Light but shrinks from it, lest his works (his deeds, his activities, his conduct) be exposed and reproved.  21 But he who practices truth [who does what is right] comes out into the Light; so that his works may be plainly shown to be what they are—wrought with God [divinely prompted, done with God’s help, in dependence upon Him].  John 3:16-24.  AMPC

Yours in HIS great love and wonderful grace and mercy,   Ken<><   (Worth Considering back issues may be found by a hot link found on the HomePage of   THERE IS BUT ONE CHURCH OF CHRIST JESUS AND ALL WHO TRULY LOVE AND OBEY HIM ARE MEMBERS.


ALOHA FAMILY & FRIENDS,   Beloved of God,     John 3:16-18

   9/27/19  (Across my desk today.)   

Today’s Scripture
“Sing the praises of the Lord, you his faithful people; praise his holy name. For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime…”  (Psalm 30:4-5, NIV)
A Lifetime of Favor

Let this truth sink down into your spirit today: God’s favor is not for a season; it’s for a lifetime. How do we obtain God’s favor? Proverbs 3 tells us that when we honor His Word, when we obey His commands and walk in mercy and truth, that’s how we find favor in God’s sight. When we do our part, God will do His part. Today, if you are believing God for something, maybe a turnaround in a relationship, career or your health, stand firm that God’s Word is true. When you put Him first place in your life, when you follow His commands, He promises to pour out His favor on you. When those thoughts try to tell you, “It’s not going to happen. It’s too good to be true,” turn it around and say, “Father, I want to thank You for Your favor on my life, on my children, on my career, on my future. I am Your child, and I know it’s not temporary. It’s not seasonal. It doesn’t come and go. Thank You, God, for a lifetime of favor!”

A Prayer for Today
“Father, thank You for Your goodness and faithfulness in my life. I choose to honor You in all I do. I choose to acknowledge Your ways. Thank You for pouring at Your favor and blessing on me as I boldly follow Your commands in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

My Comments:
This is a real challenge, faithfulness.   It really means to be full of faith all the time.  So many times my faith has been like the prayer in scripture,  “Lord I believe, help my unbelief.” Mark 9:24.  So to avoid HIS anger means to be full of faith that comes by the Word of God.  It is amazing of how many so called Christians that I talk to have no concern as to being faithful to God’s Truth as shared in the Word of God.  John puts it this way, Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.  The Amplified puts it this way:  “Anyone who runs on ahead [of God] and does not abide in the doctrine of Christ [who is not content with what He taught] does not have God; but he who continues to live in the doctrine (teaching) of Christ [does have God], he has both the Father and the Son.  2 John 9.     “So what is the doctrine of Christ?”  In my years of being a Christian I can not remember one study or sermon on what is the “Doctrine of Christ.”  And so just how many commandments did Christ Jesus give us?   And it is a living faith that makes us want to know what they are so that in love we can keep them.  Our Lord taught,  “Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.  38 This is the first and great commandment.  39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.  40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. Matt. 22:37-41.”  And again Jesus taught,  “He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.  John 14:21.  So there is the 2 plus 9 of the big 10 and a bunch more in Matt. 6 of HIS Commandments.   So seems we should take some time to find out exactly what our LORD expects of us if we are to become faithful (full of faith) towads HIM? 

Yours, in HIS great love and wonderful grace and mercy,   Ken<><,   Past issues available as a link:  “Worth Considering.”

There is but one church of Christ Jesus and all who really love and obey HIM are members.
———————————————————————————————————————————————-More GREAT QUOTES

-Mostly    "I am not permitted to let my love be so merciful as to tolerate and  endure false doctrine. When faith and doctrine are concerned and   endangered, neither love nor patience are in order.... when these   are concerned, neither toleration nor mercy are in order, but only   anger, dispute, and destruction -- to be sure, only with the Word   of God as our weapon." - Martin Luther.    "A chorus of ecumenical voices keep harping the unity tune. What   they are saying is, "Christians of all doctrinal shades and beliefs   must come together in one visible organization, regardless... Unite,   unite!" Such teaching is false, reckless and dangerous. Truth alone   must determine our alignments. Truth comes before unity. Unity   without truth is hazardous. Our Lord's prayer in John 17 must be   read in its full context. Look at verse 17: "Sanctify them through   thy truth; thy word is truth." Only those sanctified through the   Word can be one in Christ. To teach otherwise is to betray the   Gospel." - Charles H. Spurgeon.    "Showing mercy to the wolf is showing cruelty to the sheep." - Puritan.    "Knowing God without knowing our wretchedness leads to pride.  Knowing our wretchedness without knowing God leads to despair.  Knowing Christ gives the balance." - Blaise Pascal    "Christ always identified Himself with the least, the last, and the  lost." - Unknown    "Let us think often that our only business in this life is to please  God. Perhaps all besides is but folly and vanity."  - Brother Lawrence    "Worldliness is what any particular culture does to make sin look  normal and righteousness look strange." - David Wells    "Our Faith must be tested. God builds no ships but what He sends   to sea." - D.L. Moody    "When preachers do not call sin, sin, the people begin to wink at   sin!" - Dr. Micheal Useph    Mr. Spurgeon leaning over the platform of a church where a work   of grace was going on, heard a penitent below in great distress   pray earnestly, 'Lord, make a good job of me! Lord, make a good   job of me!'


ALOHA FAMILY & FRIENDS,  Beloved of God,  John 3:16-18

   9/26/19    (Across my desk this morning.)

Today’s Scripture
“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows…”(Galatians 6:7, NIV)

He Has Mercy     Have you ever looked at a large old tree and wondered how long it has been there? The thing to remember when you see a tree like this is that at one time, it was merely a little seed. Just like a mighty oak tree, if you want to grow tall and strong in your faith, you must plant the good seeds of faith so that you may reap a great harvest!

All through the Scripture, we find the principle of sowing and reaping. Farmers may get discouraged sometimes, but they know that if they want good results, they must keep planting and watering the good seeds. This is true of you as well. Notice, we reap what we sow. If you want to reap happiness, you have to sow some “happiness” seeds by making other people happy. If you want to reap financial blessings, you must sow financial seeds in the lives of others. If you want to reap friendships, you should sow a seed and be a friend. Keep planting the seeds of faith, and you’ll see growth and a good harvest.

Today, look for ways to show kindness and goodness to the people around you, even when they aren’t kind to you. Don’t repay evil for evil. Take the high road. Bless those who wrongfully use you. Seek to do good, show kindness, and you will see it come back as a blessing in your own life in return!

A Prayer for Today    “Father in heaven, thank You for the relationships in my life. Help me find creative ways to connect with the people I love. Help me to walk and live in a spirit of unity as You commanded in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

My Thoughts:   Over the years I have observed a lot of bad decisions including those of my own doing.  And I have also observed God’s protection at times and intervention.  Three times HE has saved me from death through just a word to my spirit at the right time.   However,  I have never seen HIM reverse the law of sowing and reaping.  I have never seen a broken hearted pregnant girl have her baby just disappear.  The Holy Spirit would help make lemon aid out of the lemon situation but once that bit of the original diamond is chipped away in time it can not be glued back again.   We can help others to not make the same mistakes but the stone that is left smaller in potential than the original stone. 

So in knowing this,  our Creator’s advise is to forget what has passed and use what still remains to press on into the knowledge and presence of Christ Jesus as LORD.  You can not change the past but the past, if left to the flesh, can and will corrupt your future.   And as for tomorrow it also is out of reach with it’s fears and is best left alone.  So today is the first day of the rest of your life, best to use it with wisdom and the Word of God in your heart.  And tomorrow do the same.  And don’t be fooled into thinking all is OK if you are still walking in disobedience to the Truth that you do know.  It is our actions that determine our faith not our words.  I can parrot Holy Scriptures till the cows come home but if my life does not reflect what is said then it is hypocrisy or just an act.  Jesus called the people out on this thought: 20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.  21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.  22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?  23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity,  Matt.7:20-23.  and in John:  20 At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.  21 He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him,  John 14:20-22.

Christ Jesus came to actually change us into HIS Image and Likeness if we will allow it?  Coming to Christ Jesus as LORD begins the process.  He taught us that narrow and straight is the way to eternal life and not many would fine it.  That out of the heart proceeds the issues of life.  As a person thinks in their heart so are they.  With the heart man believes into righteousness.  For our lives to change, by faith, we must envision the long view of GOD’S loving plans for us in HIS Eternity.  We must personally decide to totally submit to Christ Jesus as LORD,  REALLY !!!  We must make a final good bye to this world’s lies.

Really let this verse, from Jesus, find home in your heart of hearts:  24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.  25 He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal.  26 If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: if any man serve me, him will my Father honour.  John 12:24-26.

Thursday,  a beautiful day in Kealia, HI.   Be Blessed in your day,   Ken<><

(Past “Worth Considering” notes may be found as a link:

There is but one Church of Christ Jesus and all who truly love and obey Him are members.)


ALOHA FAMILY & FRIENDS,  Beloved of God,  John 3:16

UNITY       “WORTH CONSIDERING”    9/25/19,    (Across my desk this morning.)

Today’s Scripture
“May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had.”  (Romans 15:5, NIV)
A Spirit Of Unity

Do you find that you are surrounded by people all the time, yet you still feel disconnected from them? In your family, is everyone going in different directions, always busy, always doing their own thing? I’ve found that we really have to make a conscious effort to walk and live in unity with the people in our lives and not allow distractions to pull us apart. Walking in a spirit of unity goes beyond just getting along, it’s about going the extra mile to support and lift one another up. If you want to get the most out of life, you’ve got to draw a line in the sand and say, “I’m going to slow down and connect with the people I love. I’m not going to take my relationships for granted.” Start today by calling a friend or family member whom you haven’t talked to in a while. Reach out to them and let them know they are important. Make time to have dinner as a family and support each other’s activities. When you walk and live in unity, you bless the Lord and open the door for Him to pour out His abundance in your own life in return!

A Prayer for Today
“Father in heaven, thank You for the relationships in my life. Help me find creative ways to connect with the people I love. Help me to walk and live in a spirit of unity as You commanded in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

My Thoughts:

We have been taught to be able,  “to agree to disagree” was somehow OK or magnanimous.    But it is really an ego/pride position.  And continues to supports lies for someone and makes for division.  Today, it is my understanding that the so called “church” of Christ Jesus has been fractured into some 30,000 denominations and divisions.  It is any wonder that the church is mostly powerless as a fact.  With unity the Early Church enjoyed walking in the Power of Christ Jesus to the place to where all who came to Jerusalem in Acts 5:16 were healed.

So let us totally digest the prayer of our LORD,  Christ Jesus in John 17 to help us understand how Eph. 4:11-16 really works.   Jesus taught:  “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. John 14:12.  And in John 17:22 Jesus give that Glory or Power to HIS Church.  So where is it?  Notice that the verse in the Lord’s Prayer includes the oneness factor.  This factor is noted by Luke throughout the book of Acts where there is power.

So OK, how do we come into an actual unity or oneness?  By using the Word of God properly where every verse on a subject is gathered together and is “rightly divided” in continuity of understanding in love.  That, when we find a place of division, we in love work together until we come into the unity of the faith into GOD’S TRUTH in humility.  So many times it is only 2 alpha males dukeing it out over control or superiority.  This is the source of most divisions and we all know that in being divided, we fall.  God’s power is found only in loving unity and only when we have HIS TRUTH on the given subject.   For the world to see Jesus we are going to have to allow the Holy Spirit to fitly join us together in Loving Unity with GOD’s Truth.  Otherwise church will become dry and boring and just another little box for the elect to gather in.  We must come to the place of peace and unity where we allow ourselves to become the answer to our Lord’s Prayer of John 17 through the Holy Spirit. 

Be Blessed in your day,   Ken<><   Copy of this note may be found under “Worth Considering” on our HomePage.

Luke 9:23 And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.
Christian News
China cracking down on providential relationship between North Koreans and South Koreans within its borders
China is cracking down on a phenomenon that has allowed North Korean defectors to receive Bible teaching across the border in the communist superpower to the south.
Statistics for India show Christian persecution rising overwhelmingly since BJP took power
Disturbing statistics are coming out of India, where the fruit of nationalism has been an uptick in severe persecution against Christians.
Trump Shines Spotlight on Christians Being Killed, 1st President to Host UN Religious Freedom Meeting
Donald Trump has become the first US President to ever host a meeting at the United Nations on religious freedom.


ALOHA FAMILY & FRIENDS,   Beloved of God,  John 3:16-18

TIMING :     “WORTH CONSIDERING”   9/24/19   (Across my desk this morning.)

Today’s Scripture
“And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart…”
(Galatians 6:9, NKJV)
His Timing

I’d love to tell you that if you stay in faith, if you believe, God will always answer your prayer within twenty-four hours, or at least within the first week. But we know that’s not reality. God promises He will be true to His Word, but He never puts a timeframe on it. In fact, He tells us that we need patience to see the promises come to pass. Sure, it would be a lot easier if God told us when we were going to get well, when we would meet the right person, or when our child would straighten up. But the truth is, that wouldn’t take any faith. It takes faith to say, “God, I don’t know when You are going to do it, but I trust You enough to believe that You will do it, that the answer is already in my future.” Today and every day let this be your prayer: “God, give me the grace to accept Your timing.” That means you’re asking for God’s strength, His supernatural empowerment to stand strong while you are waiting. Choose to keep believing, choose to praise Him, and choose to accept His timing, whether it’s twenty minutes or twenty years, knowing that what God promised He will bring to pass.

A Prayer for Today
“Father, thank You for Your hand of favor, blessing and mercy on my life. You are good and faithful. Because of that I trust You. I trust Your love, and I trust Your timing in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

My Comments,
This is so true.  We have such a difficultly in comparing our dimension in time,  with God’s dimension in eternity.   Peter said that God’s time was like a day to a 1000 years of our time.  Where God lives, there is no time,  1 Cor.13.  And the Holy Scriptures indicate that our dimension of time will eventually cease with the creation of a new heaven and a new earth.  Jesus even taught that we had a difficultly in discerning time,  Matt.16:3,  In Matt. 24:21.    Jesus taught that time had a beginning,
Mark13:19.    And in Rev. 10:19 Jesus taught that time would have an end.  So time is a temporary dimension in which our eternal souls are created with a house to live in to experience free will and the ability to learn to love in the one physical life time body (house) that each of us receive as a gift from God, our Creator.  The physical house we live in is very temporary.  And we are warned not to get tangled up in earthly time stuff: Gal.4:9-11 as it is vanity.  We are encouraged in Eph.5:15 to use our short time on earth wisely in learning to do the will of our LORD.  As receiving a new eternal house to live in from God is in many ways subject to what we do with the temporary house we live in today.

The word time is used 703 times in the Holy Bible,  it is a study well worth the time.

I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.  2 My soul shall make her boast in the Lord: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad.  O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together. Psa. 34:1-3.  And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.  Rom.5:5-6  10 Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.  11 And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.  12 The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.

Yours, in HIS great love and wonderful grace and mercy,   Ken<><

( Back issues of “Worth Considering” may be found by a link on our HomePage, )



ALOHA FAMILY AND FRIENDS,  Beloved of God,  John 3:16-20

PEACE,   “WORTH CONSIDERING”  9/23/19,  (Across my desk today.)

Today’s Scripture

“A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones…”
(Proverbs 14:30, NIV)
A Heart At Peace

The best thing you can do for health is to set your heart at peace with God. Peace is such a powerful position. It is a position of life and strength. Peace literally means “to set at one again.” In other words, we have peace when our minds and hearts are “at one” with the Word of God. It’s so easy to let the pressures and distractions of life pull our thoughts away from the heavenly Father. It doesn’t take long before we are so focused on earthly things that we feel overwhelmed and all stressed out. We weren’t meant to live filled with anxieties, we were meant to live in peace. Today, keep your heart at peace by staying focused on God the Father. Sow life to your body by staying in agreement with Him. Let His peace guard your heart so that you can be equipped to live the abundant life He has promised to you!

A Prayer for Today
“Father, thank You for Your Word which is life to my soul. I praise You because You are the Prince of Peace. I choose to set my heart and mind on You today. Thank You for guiding my every step in Jesus’ name! Amen.”

My Thoughts:
Seems that there is so much noise pollution in our world today that it is difficult to hear the voice of God in our hearts any more.  Where ever we go, there is noise pollution.  Even in the church, so called,  there are so very many words and so much music that at times it seems only to keep us from hearing the Holy Spirit .  And it really it is the Voice of God that we mostly need to help us in making the positive decisions in lives.  Even in going out to a restaurant for a peaceful dinner is difficult.  On my birthday we went to our special place for dinner.  It was a great dinner as usual but we could hardly hear each other due to the music and noise pollution and it made it very difficult to enjoy the meal. 

Each of us have a different temperament for what is peace for us.  So my slow beats per minute classical Moonlight Sonata ( or Cannon in D  ( ) may not work for others but it helps me get into a peaceful place.   So each of us need to find that place of peace of where the Holy Spirit can speak to our spirit and we can learn to know the voice of our wonderful shepherd’s voice for sure.  So I truly hope you will find in the Holy Spirit your place of peace, your prayer closet and guard and use it well.  Our Creator God wants to have a personal relationship with each of us in and through the Holy Spirit by Christ Jesus.  But it is up to us to silence the interruptions of this world.

Of course music is a door for all kinds of emotions…. I can really feel the fun and joy in this band with Itzhek Perlman or feel the pain in the “Mission”::    So music can open many doors.  So take care….

The Holy Spirit can help you know the difference between HIS music of peace and worlds confusion.   God is never ever the author of confusion.  And music can be very helpful in you find your place of peace.  When you find a place of peace then trust the LORD with your cares in detaching from the world and open your heart in prayer to the Voice of God. God’s place of peace will be difficult to find if you harbor unforgiveness or resentment for anyone or anything in the past or present.  God’s voice will also always agree with HIS voice through HIS prophets and especially Christ Jesus as HE never changes HIS mind.  He enjoys absolute foreknowledge so HE never needs to change HIS mind.  He already knows all of our choices but we don’t and we still have to make them.

We are born into the dimension of time and things are yesterday, today and tomorrow of us.  Our choices are very real and eternal.  Our Creator does want us to live with HIM for eternity,  But in our time dimension we must decide if we want the same thing and choose to want to be with HIM above all else including the lies and confusion of this temporary physical world.  Finding the peace to Hear HIS voice and learning to Love and Obey HIM is just the beginning of the changes that we will need to make with HIS GRACE in order to learn how to live with HIM..

Ecuador Andes Pastor Solitario   This is fun for me to listen to,  like flying,  but this is just my cup of tea…. Freedom !   

Yours, in HIS great love and wonderful grace and mercy,   Ken<><
Things are heating up in the Middle East….  Need to pray for the PEACE of Jerusalem…..
WORTHY BRIEFS,  Is a very good condensation of world news.    Editor’s Note: If you would like to submit a note to the editor, simply hit reply. Be sure to add your name and location!  Help spread WORTHY BRIEFS, now reaching 126 countries daily! Forward this brief to a friend!  IMPORTANT NOTE: To ensure delivery of your Worthy Brief please add worthynewsbrief [@] to your address book or approved senders list.  So contact to be added to their mailing list.  Really well done,   Ken<><


ALOHA FAMILY  & FRIENDS,  Beloved of God,  3:16-18

    9/20/19,    (Across my desk this morning.)

Today’s Scripture
“Praise the Lord, you his angels, you mighty ones who do his bidding, who obey his word…”
(Psalm 103:20, NIV)
Angels Move On Your Behalf

Did you know that when you speak words of faith, angels are dispatched to move on your behalf? The Scripture tells us that God gives His angels charge over us. That means, when God hears you declaring His Word, He says to the angels, “Do you hear My child speaking words of faith? He believes I can do great things. Angels, I have an assignment for you. Go to work and begin to turn the situation around.” And the angels obey His Word!

If we could pull back the curtain on the unseen realm, we would see a host of angels and heavenly beings watching over us. That’s why it’s so important to guard what we say because with our words, we either open a door for God and His angels to move on our behalf, or we open a door for the enemy and the forces of darkness.”

Make the decision today to only speak words of faith and life over you, your home and your family. Declare God’s Word and His promises and let your words set the angels into motion to help you fulfill the destiny God has planned for you!

A Prayer for Today
“Father in heaven, thank You for the relationships in my life. Help me find creative ways to connect with the people I love. Help me to walk and live in a spirit of unity as You commanded in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

My thoughts:
The Greek word Angelos simply means Messenger and it is the context that determines if heavenly or earthly.  Mostly it means heavenly but in some cases it could mean a Christian or the LORD.  Sometimes we get to see the heavenly Angels if God opens our eyes into HIS spiritual world.   And each of us has an assigned heavenly angel to try to keep us from getting hurt.  But much of the time we are too busy with noise pollution to hear him.  A certain quietness of spirit is necessary in order to be able to hear him.  Jude writes about an angelic encounter and so does Paul in many places,  Heb.1 & 2 are good chapters to consider.  In Heb. 1:14 the Angels are called “Ministering Spirits, sent forth to minister for those who shall be heirs of salvation.  Notice it says, “for us” and not “to us.”  In Heb. 1:7 God calls us as, HIS Ministers, a flame of fire.  So the Angels are available to help us as God’s potential children but when we come of age we will be joint heirs with Christ Jesus as HE is the first born among many brethren and we also are to be made into the image and likeness of God.

Of course this means that we must set our will 100% to want to do this to be there.  We have to renounce our citizenship with the world and the world’s system to be renewed and born from above by the Spirit of God.  We are to be granted a new citizenship in the Eternal Kingdom of God if we decide to do this.  Rom. 8:13 reads like this: 13 For if we live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if we through the Spirit do mortify (put to death) the deeds of the body, ye shall live (have God’s life.)  Romans 10:9-10 follows soon after.  So the Angels are on call to help us with God’s Grace (power) to be born from above and sanctified (made holy) and to be made ready for the Kingdom of God if we want to…. with our whole heart.  To make this happen it takes faith (Heb. 11) and faith comes by going through the Word of God, over and over until it becomes more real than the things of this world. 

So in the Holy Scriptures Angel simply is a Greek word meaning messenger.  The context determines what kind of a messenger.

Like Baptism in the Gr. is to place one thing in another needing context to understand what is being place into what.   And also the word bishop simple in the Gr. means overseer, regardless of what kind.  Again needing context to know the details.   Seems to me that the translators used some of the Gr. words in order to avoid a doctrine conflict with the church of the 1600’s.

Yours, in HIS great love and wonderful grace and mercy,   Ken<><   (Past blogs are available as a link on our homepage.)
“There is but one church of Christ Jesus and all who truly LOVE and OBEY HIM are members.”