The window we now have for Christian Freedom is closing rather quickly now unless in the U.S. there is an National Repentance and Revival. Some of my good friends are pulling up stakes and moving to Panama for a more secure future. Jesus shared with us that the darkness would get darker and the Light would get brighter. The middle of the roaders will have to go one way or the other and that will ultimately become an eternal destiny. Jesus talks about this To the last church prior to the removal of the Church from earth in Rev. 3:14 “Message to Laodicea “ “To the angel (divine messenger) of the church in [e] Laodicea write: “These are the words of the Amen, the trusted and faithful and true Witness, the [f] Beginning and Origin of God’s creation: 15 ‘I know your deeds, that you are [g] neither cold (invigorating, refreshing) nor hot (healing, therapeutic); I wish that you were [h] cold or hot. 16 So because you are lukewarm (spiritually useless), and neither hot nor cold, I will vomit you out of My mouth [rejecting you with disgust]. 17 Because you say, “I am rich, and have prospered and grown wealthy, and have need of nothing,” and you do not know that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked [without hope and in great need], 18 I counsel you to buy from Me gold that has been heated red hot and refined by fire so that you may become truly rich; and white clothes [representing righteousness] to clothe yourself so that the shame of your nakedness will not be seen; and healing salve to put on your eyes so that you may see. 19 Those whom I [dearly and tenderly] love, I rebuke and discipline [showing them their faults and instructing them]; so be enthusiastic and repent [change your inner self—your old way of thinking, your sinful behavior—seek God’s will]. 20 Behold, I stand at the door [of the church] and continually knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him (restore him), and he with Me. 21 He who overcomes [the world through believing that Jesus is the Son of God], I will grant to him [the privilege] to sit beside Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down beside My Father on His throne. 22 He who has an ear, let him hear and heed what the Spirit says to the churches.’”
Notice here that in this last Church prior to John being taken up in to the Heavens that Jesus is outside, what is supposed to be, HIS own Church, knocking to get in. He wants to give us an eternal treasure, the Holy Spirit so you can see in HIS eternal spiritual world and a covering of HIS righteousness in exchange for your soiled rags. And if you decided to go with HIM some major changes will be needed and some will not be too comfortable to experience. You may feel like you are dying to most all that you have known in your past as being of value. But it is only earthly or temporal value. And like the dollar, this whole world is in a death spiral of only wanting more. But the outcome with Jesus will be eternal life rather than an eternal blackness in a void prepared for the fallen angles and lucifer. You have a whole life time in which to decide but then you really don’t know how long that will be for. Death can come suddenly and without time to reconsider. So if you are concerned about the Truth about Eternity it would be good to get into the New Testament and read all about it from one who has returned to tell us about it. “The Revelation.”
Also you can find help and support: www.OhanaChurch.Life And Yours, in HIS great love and wonderful grace and mercy, Ken<>< ( Change / Delete, “Worth Considering” Library available as link on HomePage.) There is but ONE Church of Christ Jesus as LORD and all who Love, Honor and Obey Christ Jesus as LORD are eternal members.
Worthy Brief <>
The Idaho Senate passed a bill that would outlaw nearly all abortions in the state by banning them once fetal cardiac activity can be detected. The U.S. government won’t issue so-called vaccine passports, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said, after Texas sought to limit their development because of privacy concerns. A British court has ruled that the 2018 UK Lancashire Festival of Hope featuring Franklin Graham was subject to discrimination by local authorities which removed festival bus advertisements reading only “Time for Hope,” Assist News reports. The Blackpool Borough Council and Blackpool Transport Services were found to have violated the UK’s Equality Act 2010 by discriminating against the Festival specifically because of Graham’s religious views on homosexuality.
Nicole Taylor <> Great Book by Dr. Crandall concerning “Touching Heaven” Should be compulsive reading for all seeking God’s Truth concerning eternity.
7 scripture passages for hard times by Beth Matheson:
1. Genesis 3:14-15 — God has always had victory over evil.
2. Psalm 56:8 — Our sorrow matters to God.
3. Proverbs 18:10 — God is our shelter.
4. Romans 5:3-5 — Our pain has a purpose.
5. Romans 8:26-27 — The Holy Spirit prays on our behalf.
6. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 — We have each other.
7. Revelation 21:3-4 — Our suffering will end in joy.
Most conservatives now feel VERY SURE that Trump did really WIN the election ! That the election was TOTALLY rigged. But Only the Supreme Court could STILL step in and disqualify the election due to fraud. But so far they have refused to consider this possible injustice done to the American voters. We should all write letters to the Supreme Court requesting a review. After all, they work for us and they are paid by us. These are the current members of the U.S. Supreme Court: Chief Justice John Roberts. Chief Justice John Roberts. Justice Clarence Thomas. Associate Justice Clarence Thomas. Justice Stephen Breyer. Justice Samuel Alito. Justice Sonia Sotomayor. Justice Elena Kagan. Justice Neil Gorsuch. Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
Mailing Address: Supreme Court 1 First St NE, Washington, D.C., DC 20543
National Debt. now at about 28 Trillion Dollars. And looking to add an additional 3. The house of cards is about to fall again as in 1929 and the U.S. now is headed into deeply considering socialism at that time. Socialism is atheistic and lies to the people until in control and then kills or sends to work camps those who object to the lies not happening. Look at Germany, Russia N. Korea, Venezuela and China as great Socialists experiments. Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness means nothing under socialism in the ultimate form. As you can clearly see at this time, those who voted for Biden, voted for socialism and power for the Democratic Party. (Which is anything BUT democratic.)