POLOTICS 6/23/20

Just a little on POLITICS today, If not into it, just hit delete.  
But Be in Faith,  Our Creator has the future all written down, already.    Ken<><   6/24/20

Rush Notes:   (Personally, I feel, He has a good point to make.)    “Worth Considering” 
Americans are living through uncertain times.  Many are wondering what the end game is.  And they got a terrible clue when Rush Limbaugh dropped this big bombshell about what is to happen next.  When the protests erupted after four Minneapolis police officers allegedly murdered George Floyd, many Americans assumed the demonstrators were in the streets demanding change in police tactics.  But as the protests turned to riots and the demonstrations dragged on for weeks, many in the public wondered what the end goal of the Black Lives Matter political movement really was.

A caller asked Rush Limbaugh if America was headed for an implosion due to domestic political unrest fomented by the left.  Limbaugh admitted that may be a possibility, but he differed on the cause.  In his telling, Limbaugh explained that Black Lives Matter and other leftist agitators were not leading a political rebellion, but instead waging a cultural revolution.  “Possibly, but I don’t think it’s imminent. I think it looks like it is. The reason I don’t think it’s gonna happen is because what we’re up against is not really a political revolution. I know this is gonna be like a fine-line differentiation. We’re up against a cultural revolution here. And these things all end because they eat each other. They end up subsuming themselves. Now, not to say that they’re not gonna have a long-lasting impact on things, but the longer they go on, the more people they repulse,”

The caller added that when he was active duty military, he thought the biggest threat America faced was from a foreign enemy.  But now the caller realized the greatest danger posed to the nation came from a radicalized political left trying to tear the nation apart.  Rush agreed completely and noted the communist influence on the Black Lives Matter movement.  “Well, you’re right. That is the primary — but, you know, this falling from within is still external. It’s all the result of communist influence — Russia, Soviet Union, ChiCom. I mean, that’s where all this is. We’re up against communism. You can call it Black Lives Matter. You can call it whatever some of their favorite little pet names of their organizations are, Occupy Wall Street. We are up against communism. We’re up against Marxist theory that we are seeing be implemented and approved of and sponsored by a political party, the Democrat Party,” Limbaugh added.  And there are elements of Marxist philosophy embedded in the Black Lives Matter political movement.  Like the communists, Black Lives Matter openly states its goal is to “disrupt” the traditional nuclear family.  Black Lives Matter also seeks to impose massive wealth redistribution schemes by forcing the government to pay reparations for slavery.  In George Orwell’s “1984,” “the Party” enforced discipline by turning children into the “League of Junior Spies” to rat out their parents for supposed “thought crime.”  Learn more about Revenue Stripe…   Americans are now seeing videos go viral on social media of children denouncing their parents for not sufficiently supporting the Black Lives Matter movement.  And in 1975 when the Khmer Rouge took over Cambodia, they imposed a “year zero” calendar by erasing all history that came before their murderous government seized power.  A similar campaign is being waged in America as Black Lives Matter activists first demanded the removal of Confederate monuments and have now moved on to tearing down statues of Francis Scott Key, Ulysses S. Grant, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.  Many Americans are starting to realize that Black Lives Matter is not out to just “reform the police.”  They are seeking a wholesale overthrow of the American culture and way of life and replacing it with a tyrannical left-wing alternative.  If you want American Patriot Daily to keep you up to date on any new developments in this ongoing story and the rest of the breaking news in politics, please bookmark our site, consider making us your homepage and forward our content with your friends on social media and email.

Dean E. Witt Jr.    If you are a law enforcement officer and need a break, you can come park outside my home.  If you are thirsty I will bring you a drink.  If you are hungry I will fix you food.  If you are hot I will invite you inside to cool off.  If you need additional ammo just ask.  If you need backup, I will stand with you.  If you need to cry, I will hug you and let you.  If you need to talk I will listen.  If you need to pray, I will kneel with you.  If you are wrong, I will tell you.   If you are right I will support you. I only ask that you don’t lose faith in Americans.  We are NOT all against you.  Our lives matter, as do yours.  Take off your sunglasses and see the good people that are here for you.  Albeit, we are not as loud and obnoxious as these whiney media seekers, we are strong and waiting to follow your lead.   God Bless you and your family.

Worthy Brief <worthybrief@worthynetwork.com&gt;
Don’t place God in a box — but recognize that God is calling you to live outside the box! Your life before you were born again was a “mortal” life, but having crossed over, you’re now called to live a supernatural life! So live it — because your life is an inheritance directly from your Heavenly Father!  While we live in these mortal bodies, we’re called to do extraordinary things in this life! We have a Spiritual Father sitting on the throne who wants to give us wisdom from above. He wants to give us “peace that passes all understanding.” And He’s calling us to live a life outside this natural realm — a life worthy of a “King and a Priest” of the Most High.

An infectious diseases specialist in Italy has said he believes the COVID-19 virus has weakened and may disappear by itself without a vaccine, Fox News reported Monday. Dr Matteo Bassetti, head of the infectious diseases clinic at San Martino hospital in Genoa, said the virus weakening may be caused by genetic mutations resulting from lockdown and social distancing measures.
A new survey of undergraduate college students found that 94% of Democrat responders support defunding of police (i.e. cutting police budgets to fund other community resources) while only 13% of Republican students do, The College Fix reported. The poll also found that a majority of Democrat responders believe rioting and looting are legitimate forms of protest against racial injustice and police brutality while almost all Republican responders believe they are not.  An Iranian Christian rights activist who was jailed for protesting against Iran’s Islamic government says more than a dozen Christians remain behind bars in the country’s overcrowded prisons.  Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Aviv Kohavi on Sunday said Iran is now the most dangerous country in the Middle East, not just because of its nuclear program, but also through its conventional weapons and support for terror activities against Israel.
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