ALOHA FAMILY AND FRIENDS,  Beloved of God,    "WORTH CONSIDERING"    JESUS     5/2/19   (Across my desk this morning and well "WORTH CONSIDERING."    I never was a hippy nor took drugs nor smoked pot but somehow I got sucked up in the Jesus movement from 1968 to 1979 and had the best time of my life in making friends and brethren out of hippies.  Experienced seeing 1,000's find Jesus as LORD and walk out the Truth of the New Testament as their guide book in power.  Yours in HIS great love and wonderful grace and mercy,   Ken<><  (Local House Church, Friday Evening, 85-4554 Mamalahoa Hwy. Capt. Cook, HI 96704)       WE NEED Another JESUS MOVEMENT   by J. Lee Grady    Share In today´s hip, sophisticated churches, we often forget to   preach about Jesus. Let´s get back to basics.     I became a serious Christian at the tail end of the Jesus movement.   I was too young to remember the hippie beads, tie-dyed shirts and   "Jesus Is Groovy" slogans, but the songs were still popular when   I was in college (from musicians such as Andrae Crouch, Love   Song and Barry McGuire), as were the movies (especially The   Cross and the Switchblade.)     The Jesus movement was like a spiritual tsunami that washed over   hundreds of thousands of young people in the late 1960s and early   `70s and brought them into a personal relationship with Christ.   Some of these kids had been drug addicts and social misfits; most   were just average Joes and Janes who discovered that Jesus is a   lot more exciting than traditional churches had led them to believe...    Lately I find myself waxing nostalgic for those days-not because   I want to return to the awkward fashions and hairstyles of 1972, but   because I miss the spiritual simplicity of that era. The Jesus   movement was primarily focused on-surprise!-Jesus. Theology   was not complicated, pastors weren´t trying to be hip or sophisticated   or tech-savvy; and we hadn´t yet created a Christian subculture   with its own celebrities and political power bases.    Today, we just don´t preach enough about Jesus. This is certainly   true in many charismatic churches, where we´ve become experts   on everything but basic Christian theology 101. In my travels this   past year I´ve been horrified to learn that many Spirit-filled believers   have given up the discipline of reading their Bibles even semi-  regularly. They prefer a steady diet of culturally relevant, fast-paced,   techno-theology that is a poor substitute for discipleship.    Many charismatics have developed the attitude that a simple focus   on Christ isn´t enough. We´d rather go to a "prophetic encounter"...   or experience some exotic spiritual manifestation (gold dust, gems   falling out of the ceiling), or ask Rev. Flash-in-the-Pan to pray for   us for the sixteenth time so we can receive yet another "special   anointing" that we will probably never use.     In the midst of all this charismatic gobbledygook, where is Jesus?   Am I the only one out there who is weary of this distraction?    Call me old-fashioned, but I´ve decided to get back to the basics of   the faith. That´s why I am reading What Jesus Is All About?, a   classic book written more than 50 years ago by Henrietta Mears,   a Bible teacher who helped mentor both Billy Graham and Bill   Bright in the 1940s.     Mears explains in her book how each of the four gospels-Matthew,   Mark, Luke and John-give us a unique, four-dimensional portrait   of the Savior. According to Mears:    Matthew was written to Jews to tell of a Promised Savior who is   also a King-and it uses the word "kingdom" 55 times.  Mark was written to Gentiles to tell of a Powerful Savior-and it   reports more miracles than any other gospel.  Luke was written by a Gentile to tell of a Perfect Savior-and it   has the most references to Jesus´ humanity.  John was written by "the disciple whom Jesus loved" to tell of a   Personal Savior-and it has the most references to Jesus´ divine nature.    The Holy Spirit who inspired the Bible knew we needed more than   a one-, two- or three-dimensional look at Jesus. The Spirit gave   us a four-dimensional view so that we could gaze at Him from all   sides and become captivated by His magnificence-His supreme   kingship, His compassionate mercy, His supernatural power, His   perfect justice, His amazing humility and His love for sinners like   you and me.    There´s so much more to Jesus than we realize. And there is so   much more to say about Him than we are telling our generation.   That´s why I´m spending most of my study time in the four gospels   for the next few months. I want a fresh revelation of Jesus!    Perhaps another Jesus movement will be unleashed in our country   when we discard our distractions and focus on Him again.     SOURCE -

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