ALOHA FAMILY AND FRIENDS,  Beloved of God,    John 3:16

GIFTS                “WORTH CONSIDERING”     8/12/19  (Across my desk this morning.)

Today’s Scripture
“A man’s gift makes room for him and brings him before great men.”  Proverbs 18:16, NASB)

Skill That Can Slay a Giant
When people hear the story of David and Goliath, sometimes they think, “That was all God.” And yes, in a sense, it was all God; but God didn’t sling the stone. David had a role to play, too. God gave David the skill that he had to develop in order to be prepared for that defining moment.”

Like David, God has put in you skill that can slay a giant. You have skill that can open new doors, skills that can lead to an abundant life, but the key is that your skill has to be developed. Every day that you spend growing, learning and improving, you’re getting prepared for that new level.”

Today, while you’re waiting for that new opportunity, start sharpening your skills. Study your boss. Study your manager. Learn that position. Be able to step into their shoes. When God sees that you are prepared, He can open new doors. The Scripture says, “Your gifts will make room for you.” Keep developing your skills because there is a giant slayer in you!

A Prayer for Today
“Father, thank You for depositing in me everything that I need for life and godliness. I choose to be faithful with what You have given me. I choose to sharpen my skills. Help me prepare for every opportunity You have for my future in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

My Thoughts:
When trying to help someone new to the Kingdom of God on Earth as they make Christ Jesus,  LORD,  often I would ask them, what do you like to do.  Like David as a boy, it seems he liked being a shepherd.  I use to have a few sheep and as they got to know that you were their friend they could become rather like a family.  Even had to kill a big vicious dog one time that caused me to stitch up several sheep that were badly cut up and they lived.  David had a sling,  only a single shot, so had to be very accurate.  And I suspect that he practiced a lot as if you only hurt a predator it can turn on you very quickly.  So I really resonate to the above story,  been there, done that.  Nothing like a giant, of course.

So in finding what a person really likes to do, much of the time it was what GOD had gifted them to do.  So in the ministry of the 70’s for our support we ended up having a farm, co-op store, surf board shop,  free store, gift shop, Jewelry store, deli and restaurant.  And it was really a joy for most to go to work as nearly every one was in support of the ministry to seek the lost.  It is much more complex than that today but I wonder if it is better?   But the past is past,  the Holy Spirit is in the process of developing a new wine skin with new wine today.  I am rather excited as to see what it will become.  But the Gifts that God has given each of us from birth are somewhat of a road map as to tomorrow as nothing is every wasted in anything that the Holy Spirit is doing.  In the Holy Spirit no gift is every ignored or left behind.  They are all important and there is great joy in becoming an expert,  like David taking on a giant with full assurance.  He picked up 5 stones, some feel, as Goliath had 4 brothers.  He became an expert with a sling and eventually King and granddad to Christ Jesus.  The Joseph,  Moses,  Abraham,  Peter and Paul stories are much the same.  Check out the list in Hebrews 11 if you need a faith lift.  So what do you really like to do,  really ????   That is a good beginning in seeking GOD’s calling on your life.  ” For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable [for He does not withdraw what He has given, nor does He change His mind about those to whom He gives His grace or to whom He sends His call].” Rom.11:29


Yours, in HIS great love and wonderful grace and mercy,  Ken<><  

( Previous “Worth Considering” blogs may be found as a link on our home page at )

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