ALOHA FAMILY & FRIENDS,  Beloved of God and me…   John 3:16-18

CHOICES,    “WORTH CONSIDERING”   4/1/20    From Ken<><

Today’s Scripture       (Received in my email this morning from Texsas.)
“…There is a wide-open door for a great work here, although many oppose me.”  1 Cor. 16:9

There Will Always Be Adversity
How do you respond when unfair situations come against you and people do you wrong? It’s easy to get discouraged and think that because it’s not working out, it’s not meant to be. But just because you have opposition doesn’t mean you’re not in God’s will. The apostle Paul described his work in the city of Ephesus as a wide-open door of opportunity with many in opposition. Anytime you have opportunity, anytime you’re about to move forward to the next level, there will be opposition, people trying to discourage you, things you don’t understand. The people who reach their destiny aren’t moved by what’s not working out, and they don’t give up because they had a setback or because somebody did them wrong. They know God is in control, that He’s directing their steps. They know that the setback is really a setup for God to do something greater. The adversity means the promotion, the healing, the new level is on the way.

A Prayer for Today
“Father, thank You for every open door of opportunity that You open for me. Thank You that the opposition I face is only a setup for You to do something greater in my life. I believe that You are in control and the next level is on the way. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Ken’s Thoughts:
This reminds me of an expression that I often use: “What does not kill me, makes me stronger.”  On my track at 87 I go to have my feet worked on once a week at a gym, now closed due to the virus.   But in that gym there is thousands upon thousands of dollars of stuff to make you suffer.  And folks pay big bucks to borrow it for a few hours several time a week.  And most of them look like the walking dead as they run, push pull, lift and struggle with their get healthy program.  In fact I have an exercise bike in my study that I should ride more than I do.  So we all know that if we don’t use it, we loose it.  This world has been created by God to in an effort to teach us about how things work in HIS spiritual and eternal Kingdom that is even more real than this world is for us.   But to also be inclusive of our free will for LOVE to be real.   We already know that physical matter is really mostly empty space and as such is really an illusion.  But it does give us a sense of being independent and secure.  It is a place where we can use our freewill without being manipulated by some outside E.T. influence or it would not be freewill.   And of course the results are not all that good in what we have decided to do.  We are filling up both space and our land with garbage.  Seems we have learned very little about recycling and leaving things better than we find them.  But back to the subject.  We are presently living in a temporary time dimension that eventually will be totally recycled into another universe.  Nothing in space or on earth will remain as is.  Even the sun, moon, planets, oceans and earth will be recycled by God into a place where the light is from Him, there will be no night and those living there will be living in total righteousness. love and truth with HIM as one big joyful family.

So what does that mean for us?   Well if you are still tracking with me it means we should be getting ready to live in a new kind of eternal dimension.  That we are going to need to learn to be a different kind of people who don’t make messes,  a jump to light speed.   So my letters to you for the past year are an my efforts to get us ready for an eternity in righteousness and light with our Creator.  But it is totally up to you as to whether you get ready to make the transition or not.  Our Creator is not going to force anyone to come and live with HIM.  However the option to live outside of God and HIS creation without HIS presence is rather bleak.   That would mean your eternal soul would have nothing made by God including a body in which to live.  Think about it, there is only one God, there is no other.  He is a God of love and also loves to create.  But if you decline HIS invitation then there is no other place of light to go to.   And no contact with others as it takes God providing a body for us to do so.  The only reason that I can send this awareness to you is because God has allowed my eternal soul to borrow this body for this past 87 years.   You will need a new God made body to live with HIM in eternity.  But the way is narrow and few find it.  So I am giving you what I have found in the Holy Bible in words and thoughts that are up to speed for our day.   But a little out of Rev. 21 in the Amplified willl not hurt you.

“Then I saw a new [a] sky (heaven) and a new earth, for the former [b] sky and the former earth had passed away (vanished), and there no longer existed any sea.   2 And I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, all arrayed like a bride beautified and adorned for her husband;  3 Then I heard a mighty voice from the throne and I perceived its distinct words, saying, See! The abode of God is with men, and He will live (encamp, tent) among them; and they shall be His people, and God shall personally be with them and be their God.  4 God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; and death shall be no more, neither shall there be anguish (sorrow and mourning) nor grief nor pain any more, for the old conditions and the former order of things have passed away.  5 And He Who is seated on the throne said, See! I make all things new. Also He said, Record this, for these sayings are faithful (accurate, incorruptible, and trustworthy) and true (genuine).  6 And He [further] said to me, It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I [Myself] will give water without price from the fountain (springs) of the water of Life.  7 He who is victorious shall inherit all these things, and I will be God to him and he shall be My son.  8 But as for the cowards and the ignoble and the contemptible and the cravenly lacking in courage and the cowardly submissive, and as for the unbelieving and faithless, and as for the depraved and defiled with abominations, and as for murderers and the lewd and adulterous and the practicers of magic arts and the idolaters (those who give supreme devotion to anyone or anything other than God) and all liars (those who knowingly convey untruth by word or deed)—[all of these shall have] their part in the lake that blazes with fire and brimstone. This is the second death.”  (Actually this is the painful feeling of not having a body and yet having total recall of what has been missed for eternity.  But a clearer picture in which to share the experience without trying to share the details.)

Yours in His great love and wonderful grace and mercy, Ken<><

There is but one Church of Christ Jesus, now and  forever.
And all who truly Love & Obey Christ Jesus are members.

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