UNITY     6/14/18
How to bring Christian Ministries into a John 17:20-26 much needed Unity is going to take some real soul searching and wisdom for us Christians in the Holy Spirit?  The Church of Christ Jesus needs to come into Universal Unity for the Power of the Holy Spirit to flow again like in (ACTS 2:43, 5:14-16,  notice: Every One was healed.)   And we need to become prepared for the next Great Harvest of Souls and then to GO HOME.  We go home,  clean house, boot out lucifer (Rev.12:11) and enjoy our union with Christ Jesus. (Rev. 19)   Then Armageddon, help set up the 1,000 year Kingdom of Christ Jesus as KING of KINGS.   Then one last battle and a new heaven and a new earth of Righteousness with our Creator for Eternity.    As Christians we need to see that our differences,  in humility and love,  are a wonderful opportunity to find more of GOD’s TRUTH and FREEDOM.  The world is totally confused by the differences that they see in our divisions.  We have agreed to disagree. This does not work.  (United we stand, divided we fall.)

Eschatology  (Study of Prophesy) is also something that most are interested in as we seem to be coming into our LORD’s prophesy’s of Matt.24, Mark 13 and Luke 21 and the end of this age.

Denominations and Cults often weave in some kind of a special track for securing their own community and keeping their “own” membership safe so as to pay their “own bills.”  Many of which are not for the poor or for evangelism as per the scriptures.  Often it is just not a Jesus Church.   When I was the moderator one year for the local Ministerial Association I was sharing on unity and the other ministers told me that they were all very much in unity.  I suggested that then they should all have the same ministry bank account,  I about got hooted out of the meeting.

In a Jesus Church there is only the membership to Christ Jesus as LORD and to learn to hear HIS voice and do what HE says to do.  Of course there is provided by the Holy Spirit a structure of elders to help guide us in this purpose, (Eph.4:11-16.)   But these Elders also need to be guided by the Holy Spirit.   And have a global view and not a local,  political or a denominational kind of view.  His Church is HIS people,  not the steeple.  I hope to live to see a Church/Fire that brings unity with every other Church that is on fire into the John 17 Unity that our LORD prayer for.   The New Testament began with HIS Resurrection.  No one was a Christian until HIS Resurrection and the debt of sin was paid in full.  Then the Church was started at Pentecost with the coming of the Holy Spirit.   That process is still at work in the world today but nearly over for the gathering of HIS CHURCH.

God has set out 7,000 years to develop HIS Eternal Family of souls who are to become in HIS IMAGE and LIKENESS as per the original design plan.  He was powerful with man for the first 2000 years,  Then with Abraham and Moses came the 2,000 years of Faith and LAW.  Now we are nearly concluding the 2,000 years of Faith and LOVE in Christ Jesus.   Next we have a Sabbath of 1,000 years of REST in the Kingdom of Christ Jesus to complete the restoration process.  After that is a New Heaven and a New Earth with our Heavenly Father living in LIGHT and RIGHTEOUSNESS as an Eternal Family without time, fear or sin but in LOVE, POWER and a SOUND MIND.

There are a lot of folks that have been deceived by a traditional religious theater church experience that is advertised as the way to heaven, but ???,  Isa. 28:9-20.   Our relationship to Christ Jesus is as LORD ( King,  Master) and then SAVIOR on a personal level,  HE is the only way into God’s Holy Light for Eternity.   HE is building a KINGDOM,  not a democracy,  and we will not get to vote.   But a Kingdom with a perfect loving King is the very best form of government.

There is only one True Church of Christ Jesus and all who love and obey HIM are members. 
In the New Testament HE give us HIS commandments to obey and they are good for us.

HIS TRUTH sets us FREE and brings us no bondage.  The lies of sin do bring us into bondage.

Yours, in HIS great love and wonderful grace and mercy,   Ken<><   www.Trinity-Aloha.org



Today’s Scripture       (not written by me but worth considering.)
“If you believe, you will receive…”     (Matthew 21:22, NIV)

All through the Bible, there are so many promises of what God has already done for us. It says in Ephesians that “God has blessed us with every spiritual blessing.” It says in Colossians that “God has made us worthy.” There is mercy for any mistake we will ever make. It’s already been taken care of. He paid the ultimate price through the death, burial and resurrection of His Son, Jesus. He’s done His part. Now it’s up to us to do our part. We have to start believing it so we can receive.

In the natural, when someone gives you a gift, what’s the first thing you say? “Thank you.” When you give thanks, it’s a sign that you are receiving the gift. Today, receive what God has given you by saying, “Father, thank You for Your mercy. Thank You for supplying all of my needs. Thank You for Your goodness in my life.”

As you learn to give Him thanks, you are learning to receive from Him. Open your heart by faith today and thank Him for all of the blessings He has in store for you!

A Prayer for Today
“God, I come to You today giving You thanks and praise for Your faithfulness in my life. I receive Your Word which is life and strength to my soul. Help me to keep my heart focused on You in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

My Thought:
I love these positive spiritual reminders, as follows, that I receive in my mail.  But there are issue that sometimes seem to be missing.  Obedience to God’s Truth (not traditions) brings blessings and disobedience brings weeds and pain.   So for “Faith” to be effective there must be  an accompanying action.  If I truly have faith that it is going to rain I take an umbrella with me when I leave home.    James supports that, “ Faith without Works is dead…”  James 2:25.  James is an exceptional book on how to get healed and about faith.  He grew up with Jesus and it shows.   Be good to read James once a month, at least.

So if your faith does not have the support of your actions then it is only head  faith and not heart faith, Rom.10:9-10 and will not work.  James 5:13-18, notice the comment, “Righteous Man.”  There is the Jesus imputed righteousness as we, by faith, make Christ Jesus our LORD and Savior and our sins are blotted out.  But then there is the process in which the Holy Spirit then begins the work of restoring and transforming us into the likeness of Christ Jesus and into the image of GOD.   It was GOD’S  original design plan to make us in HIS IMAGE and LIKENESS.  GOD will absolutely complete what HE begins to do or HE would not have started.

Of course we also are involved as HE has given us a free will and we must also allow the needed changes to happen to be made into HIS IMAGE.  Those who do so will live with our Creator forever.   But those who do not, may find themselves consigned to be alone to outer darkness for eternity.  Hope you choose wisely,   Be Blessed in your Day as you obey the KING of KINGS.    Ken<><


GETTING OLD    6/12/18

Being 85  and nearing 86 in a few months,  LORD willing and the lava don’t rise is a very interesting study in humility for me.  

It is almost like the LORD realizes our need to become humble later in life and has set the stage for it to happen.  Things that I did 10 years ago and did not even think about I now look for someone younger and with better balance to do.   Don’t get me wrong,  I enjoy being 85, it is a brand new experience for me. 

This morning I found that the oat meal (a favorite breakfast) was on the top shelf of the kitchen cabinets and needing a ladder to get to.  No one around,  wife gone to work.  So got the little step stool out and started up the steps.  And then said to myself,  what are you doing here with your bad balance?  If you fall,  you would put those you love in a very bad way to take care of you and the mending process just might not go as well as it use to.  So very carefully I got my oatmeal and had my breakfast,  cleaned up my mess and the put the oats in the freezer this time for the next time with kitchen stool ladder not needed.   I also Still have my bike license,  and that also is a no, no…..

My mind is still really pretty sharp but this house that I am living in is really getting worn out.  Should have taken better care of it.  Now if I eat much red meat the gout in my feet feel like walking on broken glass.  But I try to stay away from red meat, and miss it, and I still get things done PTL…  But much more limited.   So not so much by my own doing any more but by those who I can find to help.  Had heavy boxes stored on shelves today,  looks great, that I had been looking at for a week to be stored but just too much for me to do.  So the concept of humility settled in a little deeper today in my world.  The word humility is rather interesting when used in the Bible.

          A fool always loses his temper, but a wise man holds it back. (NAS, Proverbs 29:11)

My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man’s anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires. (NIV, James 1:19-20)

“‘Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD. (NIV, Leviticus 19:18)

An angry man stirs up dissension, and a hot-tempered one commits many sins. (NIV, Proverbs 29:22)

Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth. Let another praise you, and not your own mouth; someone else, and not your own lips. (NIV, Proverbs 27:1-2)

When pride comes, then comes dishonor, but with the humble is wisdom. The integrity of the upright will guide them, but the falseness of the treacherous will destroy them. (NAS, Proverbs 11:2-3)

Humility and the fear of the LORD bring wealth and honor and life. (NIV, Proverbs 22:4)

“But the greatest among you shall be your servant. “And whoever exalts himself shall be humbled; and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted. (NAS, Matthew 23:11-12)

And [Jesus] called a child to Himself and set him before them, and said, “Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven. “Whoever then humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. (NAS, Matthew 18:2-4)

And the other side of humility is a willing heart to be obedient as was Moses and Jesus.   So it would seem that I am now entering a school to learn humility and obedience to my LORD in a way that can not be avoided that goes much deeper than ever before. 

Love you much in Christ Jesus and hope you make it into HIS KINGDOM.  Yours, in HIS great love,   Ken<><


Today I have a pile of boxes in the carport of Books I have collected over the years to sort as to what to keep and what to pass along.  My new library shelving is perhaps a 1/3 of what I had at the Inn.   I have a lot of translations of the Bible.  Seems a lot of Biblical Scholars have spent much time trying to make the Word of God more easily understood.   As I go through the translations I use John 8 to help me know if the scholar was accurate.  In John 8:24 where it says
“…for if you believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins.”  In most of the translations the he has been included but is not in the Greek.   The passage should read, “…for if you believe not that I AM, ye shall die in your sins.”   (Paraphrased: Unless you believe that I gave the 10 Commandments to Moses, you shall die in your sins.)

For me this is very important as when I place Christ Jesus in that place of creative authority for eternity.  It changes HIS commandments from being perhaps viable to imperative or of being extremely important for my eternal salvation.  In other words the Faith that is required for our salvation must also sanctify us and change us into being like Christ Jesus, 1 John 4:17.  There is no room for emotional feel good theology based on old invalid traditions.

But that really was not what really got to my heart in the course of sorting and deciding what to keep.  What really got to me in that chapter was the word Glory in verse 50-54 in that Jesus came not to seek HIS own Glory or to Honor himself.  That He came to Glorify and Honor the Heavenly Father, through HIS love, faith and obedience.   That is was what motivated HIM,  HIS love for the Heavenly Father and to hallow His name.    “Hallowed be Thy name.”

So I did a little soul searching on what motivates me and began to see how I really do like the praises of men and from my family.  And often,  subtly manipulate to make it happen.  So I took it to heart to begin to learn to totally seek to live my life as Jesus did to live only to make my Heavenly Father happy.  And to trust to HIS judgment in the resurrection as to any Honor or Glory.   Of course as our Heavenly Father is LOVE it should make all happy,  but,  NOT ALWAYS.    And I am well aware that living this kind of a life will attract persecution and usually from those who are closest.  As you find the Heavenly Father’s will and walk it out in life, not many will understand.  The roads of temporal values and eternal values are two totally different roads.   So 100 years from now, what is going to be important?  Our souls are created to be eternal.   It is only a matter of placement.  Hope you learn to choose wisely.

Yours, in HIS great love and wonderful grace and mercy,   Ken<>< www.Trinity-Aloha.org

I ran across a statement by Smith Wigglesworth today as a second witness to this truth.

“Great faith is the product of great fights.  Great testimonies are the outcome of great tests.  Great triumphs can only come out of great trials.: “It is impossible to overestimate the importance of being filled with the Spirit.”  “Before God could bring me to this place He has broken me a thousand times.”  “The secret of spiritual success is a hunger that persists…  It is an awful condition to be satisfied with one’s spiritual attainments…   God was and is looking for hungry, thursty people.”  It is better to live ready than to get ready!”  “God has privileged us in Chirst Jesus to live above the ordinary human plan of life.   Those who want to be ordinary and live on a lower plane can do so, but as for me, I will not.’   Smith Wigglesworth

Still working on Family Address Book,  Please send me the e-mails of those not in my files.


SIN   6/8/18
Often we get lost in our own little cosmic world of emotional truth.  It is truth because we say it is without any objective Biblical support whatever.    The reason we need the Holy Scriptures is to give us a source of objective truth from God’s point of view that HE has spoken through HIS prophets over thousands of years all saying the same thing as to what really is really TRUTH.  HIS Truth makes it possible for us to know what we need to be set free from..  Our emotionally created supposed truth only brings us in to bondage.    2 Tim.3:16-17,  Psalms 119:9-12   It is really easy to make up your own rules that fit with what you like to do.  We have a gay affirming church across the street that told me they have a progressive interpretation of the scriptures.  I just bet that they do…..  So even in knowing the Holy Scriptures is must be in Context and Consistent  with every thing said concerning the subject.

The word sin was taken from an old English archery match where it simply meant to miss the center of the target,  and that was called to sin.  With us Christians the center of the target is Christ Jesus.   To not be like Christ Jesus is to sin.  Attached to today’s “Worth Considering” you will find an objective report card list that will easily show us all the reason that we all truly need a SAVIOR and LORD to make it into the Totally Righteous Kingdom of God. 

If you would like to study some 52 basic doctrines of God’s Truth for us,  let me know.  A really great Biblical Foundation that all true Christians should have.

Your soul is designed by God to live for eternity.   Only in this life you have the opportunity to choose to live with GOD in righteousness or to live alone in darkness for eternity.  I truly hope you choose wisely.     Blessings,   Ken<><    www.Trinity-Aloha.org

Our New Mailing address:   85-4554 Mamalahoa Hwy,  Capt. Cook (Kealia),  HI 96704 

Thoughts of some past Saints of God:

"I have held many things in my hands, and have lost them all; but   whatever I have placed in God´s hands, that I still possess."  -Martin Luther    "If I could hear Christ praying for me in the next room, I would not   fear a million enemies. Yet distance makes no difference. He is   praying for me."  -Robert Murray McCheyne    "As long as a man is alive and out of hell, he cannot have any   cause to complain."  -Charles Spurgeon    "Peace comes when there is no cloud between us and God.   Peace is the consequence of forgiveness, God´s removal of that   which obscures His face and so breaks union with Him."  -Charles H. Brent    "The world can create trouble in peace, but God can create peace   in trouble."  -Thomas Watson    "A born-again person ought to possess unspeakable peace in the spirit."  -Watchman Nee    "The way to preserve the peace of the church is to preserve its purity."  - Matthew Henry



Over the years a study of mine has been on healing through the Scriptures.   As I believe the Bible to be very True but I often wonder why not so much healing power today?  Lepers may not be a problem today but cancer certainly is,  along with a lot of other deadly stuff.   So what makes God’s loving healing work when there is a need?  Does HE love us the same today as in the Early Church,  I think so.   So what is shorting us out?  Unity?  Love?  Bad Doctrine?  Holiness? ????

This came across my desk today and felt it had at least one factor:  FAITH…  But remember,  Faith is a matter of the heart and not the head.  Rom. 10:9-10.   You can say with your mouth,  “I really don’t believe it is going to rain,”  But in going out the door your heart picks up the umbrella.   Then you really down deep, feel for the rain…..   And Jesus did not do many mighty works in Nazareth due to their unbelief, Matt. 13:58.     Love in Jesus,   Ken<><

“There is but one church of Christ Jesus and all who love and obey HIM are members.”

Today’s Scripture   (From Joel )
“…And as they went, they were cured and made clean.”  (Luke 17:14, AMPC)

One time in scripture, there were ten lepers who saw Jesus. They hollered out, “Jesus! Have mercy on us and make us whole!” Jesus could have healed them right then, but instead, He asked them to do something to express their faith. He said, “Go show yourself to the Priest, and you will be made whole.”

It’s interesting that those lepers were not supposed to be around other people. They had to live in colonies because they were contagious and considered unclean. I’m sure they debated among themselves, “Do you really think we should go? I don’t look any better. It’s just going to be a waste of our time.” But they dared to put action behind their faith. They decided, “Jesus said if we go, we will be well. Let’s go. Let’s take a step of faith.” The scripture says, “As they went, they were made whole.”

So take a step of faith. Put action behind faith.

A Prayer for Today
“Father, I choose to trust in You. I choose to be obedient to You. Even when it doesn’t make sense to my natural mind, I will obey You and walk by faith. Thank You for revealing Yourself to me and healing every part of my life in Jesus’ name. Amen.”


A large number of folks no longer attend the big buildings on he corner that call themselves  THE CHURCH OF …………….”  Due to running on a religious spirit.   That spirit is judged in Rev. 17 & 18.

But then we don’t want to miss GOD’s HOLY SPIRIT and GOD’s TRUTH that gives us eternal joy and sets us free in Christ Jesus.   There is but one Church of Christ Jesus and all who love and obey HIM are members.   

Not sure this article really covers this issue completely,  what do you think?   But it was interesting enough to send along for those who might be interested.    Love in Jesus    Ken <><

You Can Be Free From a Religious Spirit
10:00AM EDT 5/23/2018 J. Lee Grady   

After Elisha watched Elijah ascend into heaven, the prophet went to the city of Jericho and performed his first miracle. The men of that city faced an environmental crisis: Their water was toxic, most likely because of the sulfur and other chemicals that had rained down upon nearby Sodom and Gomorrah years earlier. This poison had made the land barren (see 2 Kings 2:19-22) and it was affecting people and animals as well as plant life.

So Elisha performed a bold, prophetic act. He threw salt in the water and proclaimed: “Thus says the Lord, ‘I have purified these waters; there shall not be from there death or unfruitfulness any longer'” (v. 21, NASB). His proclamation brought immediate cleansing.

This obscure story in the Old Testament offers us a picture of the gospel’s power. The message of Jesus Christ heals us. The Holy Spirit brings life where death has reigned. He neutralizes the poisons that cause spiritual barrenness. He balances the pH level in our hearts and our churches so that spiritual growth and vitality is possible.

All of us would like to enjoy a healthy spiritual life. And we would love to see our churches thriving and growing. But the sad truth is that many of us are barren because of hazardous additives. We have embraced a gospel laced with legalism, performance-based religion and salvation by works—when Christ alone is our only source of life.
Related Articles

    Why I’m OK With Being a Spiritual Misfit
    Why Beth Moore’s Challenge Can’t Be Ignored

Jesus Himself referred to these toxins as “the leaven of the Pharisees” (Luke 12:1b). He told us that the Pharisees’ brand of religion, which looked good on the outside, was deadly—and contagious.  Have you been infected? You can take your own pH test by examining these eight characteristics of a religious spirit.

    A religious spirit views God as a cold, harsh, distant taskmaster rather than an approachable, loving Father. When we base our relationship with God on our ability to perform spiritual duties, we deny the power of grace. God does not love us because we pray, read our Bibles, attend church or witness, yet millions of Christians think God is mad if they don’t perform these and other duties perfectly. As a result, they struggle to find true intimacy with Jesus. 
     A religious spirit places emphasis on doing outward things to show others that God accepts him. We deceive ourselves into believing that we can win God’s approval through a religious dress code, certain spiritual disciplines, particular music styles or even doctrinal positions.        
     A religious spirit develops traditions and formulas to accomplish spiritual goals. We trust in our liturgies,   denominational policies or man-made programs to obtain results that only God alone can give.
    A religious spirit becomes joyless, cynical and hypercritical. This can turn a home or a church completely sour. Then, whenever genuine joy and love are expressed, this becomes a threat to those who have lost the simplicity of true faith.
    A religious spirit becomes prideful and isolated, thinking that his righteousness is special and that he cannot associate with other believers who have different standards. Churches that allow these attitudes become elitist and dangerously vulnerable to deception or cult-like practices.
    A religious spirit develops a harsh, judgmental attitude toward sinners, yet those who ingest this poison typically struggle with sinful habits that they cannot admit to anyone else. Religious people rarely interact with nonbelievers because they don’t want their own superior morals to be tainted by them.
    A religious spirit rejects progressive revelation and refuses to embrace change. This is why many churches become irrelevant to society. They become so focused on what God did 50 years ago that they become stuck in a time warp and cannot move forward when the Holy Spirit begins to open new understanding. When religious groups refuse to shift with God’s new directives, they become “old wineskins,” and God must find more flexible vessels that are willing to implement change.
    A religious spirit persecutes those who disagree with his self-righteous views and becomes angry whenever the message of grace threatens to undermine his religiosity. An angry religious person will use gossip and slander to assassinate other peoples’ character and may even use violence to prove his point. Jesus, in fact, warned His disciples: “There will even come a time when anyone who kills you will think he’s doing God a favor” (John 16:2b, MSG).

If the poison of religion has contaminated your walk with God, ask Him to pour a fresh understanding of His grace into your barren spirit—and then expect His new life to flow through you.



  3/7/19   (Across my desk from Joel, this morning.)
Today’s Scripture
“But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.”  (1 John 3:17–18, ESV)

Love Indeed
You are the hands and feet of Jesus in the earth. The Lord wants to bless you today so that you can be a blessing to others. He wants to work through you to show His love and compassion. Notice this verse tells us that love isn’t just about our words or thoughts, it’s about our actions. Love is about reaching out and meeting the needs of others. Sometimes meeting someone’s needs is as simple as a smile or sharing a word of encouragement. There are many ways to show the love of God. Can you pay for someone’s gas or groceries? Do you see a need in someone’s life that you can meet? Look for ways to put your love into action. The Bible says that it’s His kindness that leads people to repentance, and the Lord wants to show His kindness in the earth through you.

A Prayer for Today
“Heavenly Father, thank You for Your hand of blessing in my life. Thank You for choosing to work through me today. I submit myself and my resources to You. Show me ways to be a blessing to others so that the earth will be filled with the knowledge of Your glory. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

My Comments:
There are several issues here concerning giving that need our attention.   First,  Tithing is an Old Testament Principle and is not supported by the New Testament, at all.  The reason being that in the N.T. the Holy Spirit has moved the amount from 10% to 100% for Christians.  And has taken the issue of giving out of the LAW and placed it into being guided by the Holy Spirit in love and joy. 

In 2 Cor.9:6-8 Paul writes this:   6 But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.  Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.   8 And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work:

So we are free to,  under the direction of the Holy Spirit,  walk in freedom and not feel obligated to try to fix every financial problem that we find around us.   We only need to do what really brings us joy in doing in our own heart.   If you try to help someone going through the sowing and reaping process of making bad choices it would be a waste of time and money.  And I deeply detest it when someone tries to put me under a guilt trip to squeeze some money out of me because of their bad decisions or lack of humility in getting a job,  any job.   In fact the N.T. scriptures are very clear here:

2 Thess. 3:10:   For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.  1 Tim. 5:8:  But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel. 

So no one is under the LAW to have to give.  We are to be guided by the Holy Spirit to give of our time and money as it gives us joy in doing so.  It is a joy for me to publish “WORTH CONSIDERING” even though I rarely receive any comments. 
Yours, in HIS great love and wonderful grace and mercy,   Ken<><
( “WORTH CONSIDERING” Past issues are now available:  www.Trinity-Aloha.org )



    3/7/19     (Across my desk this morning.)

Folks saddled with this debt have purposefully handed over their Liberty. They traded it so they could get something shiny and new.  And now if their master closes his door… if their job goes away… they’ve got nothing left.  But here’s the one key difference between this situation and the plague that spread across our nation 150 years ago – it’s where free-thinking folks will poke us in the chest and tell us we’re wrong.      Your Credit Score is important.

This form of slavery is entirely optional.
The bank man isn’t coming to vulnerable neighborhoods and gathering folks up at gunpoint – although we know a few salesmen who would love the option.  No, this servitude is entirely derived by the enslaved.  It’s 100% avoidable.  The Only (and Easy) Way Out  It’s been a while since we wrote about our “broken bowl” theory. But with the latest headlines telling us that Americans are now sitting on more debt than we did prior to the 2008 disaster, it’s quite clear we’ve got work to do.

We need to spread our message.
We’re flat-out convinced that if you follow this simple strategy, your wealth will increase and you’ll quickly be on your way to true financial freedom.  As many of our oh-so-wise musings about money do… this one starts during our time in Alaska’s wilderness.  We were newlyweds, and we decided to go camping at one of our favorite lakes along the rugged Canadian border.  We invited a friend named Kenny.  He was a young, hungry kid from Southern California who didn’t get out all that much.  We figured nearly a week without modern influences would do him some good.  For a few short hours at the start of our trip, though, we thought he was going to get us killed.  Fortunately for us, he then did something dumb… something that sparked our powerful way of thinking.

You see, camping in the Alaskan wilderness isn’t like camping in the lower 48.  Once we waved goodbye to the bush pilot who flew us to the lake, we were on our own. No phone. No radio. Just the three of us and a campfire. The nearest person was more than 25 miles away. But it didn’t matter. We couldn’t get there if we wanted to… the nearest road was more than 70 miles south.

We were on our own. And Kenny forgot about that.  Almost as soon as the plane disappeared over the mountaintop and the roar of its engine faded to silence, Kenny attacked his food ration for the week.  By the time we realized what was going on and stopped him, he’d already eaten two days’ worth of food.  We were in trouble.  But then something incredible happened.  He dropped his bowl – his one and only bowl.  It shattered.  All that was usable was a piece about a third of the size of its previous shape.  Need Less… Spend Less

At first, Kenny was distraught. Like most 18-year-olds, he quickly got hungry and grouchy.  But as the sun burned through the  fog on our second day, his mood started to change. He was eating only as much as his bowl would hold… a third of what he was eating the day before.  But he was happy with it.  He quickly got used to it.  It’s a powerful lesson for anybody working to break the bonds of modern slavery.  We’re convinced it’s the only way to build real, liberating wealth.   Happiness does not come with an interest rate.  Freedom can’t be found at the bottom of a credit card statement.  It’s just the opposite.  That statement that comes in the mail once each month represents what you owe to your master. It shows how much you must work before you’ll be set free.  The only way out, we’re convinced, is to break your bowl.  Don’t fall into the cultural trap that convinces us that more stuff equals more happiness.  It’s 100% a lie.  Instead, we beg you to break your bowl in half. Fill it up with only what you need. It’s far less than you think.  Save the rest for another day.  It’s the only way to be truly free.  Millions of Americans are enslaved by their choices… and most have no idea how tight the shackles have become.  They’re not going to like their future – especially when their master wants his money.  Be well,  Andy

My Comment:
It is very important to learn to live without paying interest.   I quit paying interest in 1968.    And as I have learned to live without owing my soul to the company store it has given me a lot more freedom.  Both Debt and Socialism are forms of slavery and to be avoided.    It was tough at times but the Holy Spirit has been a really great teacher as I took this Bible verse seriously  (I don’t even have a credit score any more) :   Yours, in HIS great love,   Ken<><   (Previous “Worth Considerings” are now available at www.Trinity-Aloha.org )

The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.

SLEEP 3/6/19


SLEEP     “WORTH CONSIDERING”   3/6/19   (Across my desk this morning from Joel.)

Today’s Scripture
“..for he grants sleep to those he loves.”   (Psalm 127:2, NIV)

Blessings in Sleep
The Lord longs to pour out blessings on you constantly—even when you sleep! Understand that God has His hand on your life even in the midnight hour. He wants to speak to your heart and restore your dreams. He is taking care of those things that concern you. When you cast your cares on Him and trust Him to work out every detail of your life, you’ll be able to enjoy that sweet sleep that He has promised. Make the decision today to enjoy the blessing of the Lord as you sleep tonight. Say a prayer before you go to bed and cast your cares on Him. As you allow the Lord to bless and refresh you in sleep, you’ll see a tremendous change in your waking hours. You’ll be more invigorated, more alert, and full of the blessing of the Lord in every area of your life!

A Prayer for Today
“Heavenly Father, thank You for Your promise of blessing. I ask that You teach me to receive that blessing even while I sleep. I cast my cares on You and trust that You are working behind the scenes in my life. Thank You for watching over me and protecting me. Thank You for refreshing me as I sleep tonight. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”

My Comments:
Sleep in the O.T. and new is often seen as being parallel to the soul in waiting for the judgment and a new body on the other side of the door in the Kingdom of God.   It is also associated with not being saved as in Rom. 13:11 or in being disconnected.   In 1 Cor. 11:30 it is associated with God’s Judgment in the Church.  And in 1 Cor.15:51 it is associated with the Rapture of HIS Church or the “Snatching away of those in Christ who are still alive at HIS coming.  (I rather like that idea,  hope I am still here for it.) 

So the use of sleep as a metaphor in Holy Scripture is profound and a really great study.

But as to nightly sleep, simple, being in a state of peace with GOD and all others does seriously help.
I also find that making a list of what I need to do for the next day on paper, puts those concerns to rest.   Also spending time with the Holy Spirit in taking inventory of the day or the past and asking forgiveness for those times when I have had my hand in the cookie jar does help put that to rest.
So with pen and paper next to your bed,  you get a “got to do” thought, write it down.  Some peaceful music prior to bed is a good idea.  And I like a cup of hot milk chocolate once in a while.

Of course as you get older the plumbing takes extra care and this and that makes for extra considerations but take the time to be prepared.   At my age I need to think more ahead.  But sleep can be a precious time of renewal as we consider the prophesy of Joel 2:28  (Acts 2:27)     And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:

What the LORD started at Pentecost in sending the Holy Spirit is not over.  So be open to the Holy Spirit sharing with you in your dreams.  If HE has a clean chalk board to write on, He may surprise you.

Yours in HIS great love and wonderful grace and mercy,   Ken<><   www.Trinity-Aloha.org   (Past “Worth Considerings” are now available in our Web Links.)