HOLY    SPIRIT    POWER             “WORTH CONSIDERING”        2/15/23

By the way Originally,  Jesus’ real name, Yeshua, evolved over millennia in many cases of transliteration that took it from Yehōshu’a to Iēsous to Jesus.   As the Holy Spirit knows what we mean, it is not an issue. it is not a matter of what we say but what we mean in what we say.  So in this study, we need to know what we mean when we say Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit in scripture.

G4151 – pneuma – Strong’s Greek Lexicon (kjv)  https://www.blueletterbible.org › lexicon › kjv
the third person of the triune God, the Holy Spirit, coequal, coeternal with the Father and the Word of God who become the Son.  Like Water can be solid, liquid or vapor.  So the Holy Spirit is also Creator God. as also the Word of God now in Christ Jesus and also the Father Almighty.

What is the meaning of Holy Spirit in the original Greek?   Agio Pnevma
Paraclete (Ancient Greek: παράκλητος, Latin: paracletus) means ‘advocate’ or ‘helper’. In Christianity, the term paraclete most commonly refers to the Holy Spirit.
Also: Parakletos in Greek which means COMFORTER
Also: Dynamis in Greek which means Power or Ability, like use in English for Dynamite.  
Also: Pneo in Greek which means to Blow and Pneuma or Breath of God.
In Gen.1:2, the word “moved” really means “Brooded” like a hen with eggs. So it would seem that the Holy Spirit carries the feminine charistics of God?  Like in man as father, mother and son,  Gen.1:26.

What is the nature and character of the Holy Spirit?
The Holy Spirit produces behavior traits that are representative of Jesus. The apostle Paul referred to these characteristics as the fruit of the Spirit. “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control” (Galatians 5:22-23,

It is also interesting that the Word of God in creation breathed on Adam to become a living soul in Gen. 2:7 And in John 20:22, Jesus restored the Breath of Eternal Life that had been lost to humanity through  Adam’s disobedience.  It is also interesting for me that Aloha in Hawaiian  really means I give you my breath or life for your needs.   The Hawaiian as a people are very perceptive.

When does a person receive the Holy Spirit?
Am privileged to give an answer to this question. According to the plan (Will) of God, a person instantly receives the Holy Spirit when he/she genuinely accepts the Lord Jesus Christ as his/her personal Lord and Savior according to Romans 10:9-10. That is, the person must first be convicted/believe in his/her heart and subsequently confesses that Jesus Christ is Lord. At this point, the person is now born of the Spirit (Holy Spirit).  Kindly note that in order to experience the Spirit guidance, the person must begin to walk in Love, study the Bible and talk to GOD.

How do I walk in the Holy Spirit?
First, repent of your sins, your pride and independence from God. Ask God to forgive you and cleanse you of all unrighteousness.  (1 John 1:9.) Invite the Holy Spirit into your heart, to indwell you.  ( Luke 11:9-13.)  Pray often and obey your conscience by asking God for direction. Read the Bible. You don’t have to understand all of it. As you walk on, God will reveal the meanings to you. Forgive others their offenses against you. Ask God to break all curses over you. Be sensitive and seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance. God will not force Himself upon you.  HE never manipulates.

Is the Holy Ghost the Holy Spirit?
Older English translations of the Bible, hymns, and catechisms will often refer to the Holy Ghost rather than Holy Spirit. In the Latin texts, Spiritus, Pneuma in Greek. Spirit is a good translation; while in more ancient times, Ghost was a perfectly acceptable synonym for Spirit. But by the late 20th and early 21st centuries, the term Ghost became increasingly associated with spirits of deceased people in a usually frightening context.

As for the Gifts of the Holy Spirit: 1 Cor.12: Wisdom, Knowledge, Miracles, Prophecy, Discernment of Spirits, Unknown Tongues, Interpretation of Tongues.  And ministries are also assigned by the Holy Spirit as in Eph.4:11-16: Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors & Teachers

The Holy Spirit was sent by Christ Jesus to build HIS Church on Pentecost, Acts 2 and when completed will be taken to be with Christ Jesus in Heaven.  I call it the jump to Light Speed and seems we are getting close now.  The Holy Spirit was a Supernatural event in the lives of the Disciples of Christ Jesus.   Jesus came to save us, to seal us and to empower us to help HIM fulfill the prophesy of Isa. 61.  HIS desire is for HIS disciples to  become an extension of HIS loving ministry to the lost.  The 11 disciples became Christians upon Jesus returning to earth after HIS death, .John 20:22-23.    But they were not empowered until Pentecost.  Paul was saved on the road but was empowered 3 days later, Acts 9:17, Philip brought salvation to Samaria in Acts 8:5 but they were empowered only after Peter and John came much later, Acts 8:15-25.  In Acts 19: we see that Paul is still concerned that Christians also receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit for power in their lives, Acts. 19:2, “ And he asked them, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed [on Jesus as the Christ]?”  And they said, No, we have not even heard that there is a Holy Spirit. 3 And he asked, Into what [baptism] then were you baptized? They said, Into John’s baptism.”  

Over 13 years from 1955 I attended a main line Evangelical Church without knowing any thing about the empowering of the Holy Spirit.  In God’s Kingdom faith comes first then the results, Heb.11. To have God’s salvation we must first take the step of faith in making Jesus our LORD (master, boss) Rom. 10:9-10,   Then to be empowered by the Holy Spirit we must be walking in obedience and have faith for that supernatural experience as well.  Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.  Christ Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to teach, comfort, correct, remind, speak through us, help us pray, learn to love, and give us the fruit, gifts and ministries of God for ourselves and others in the building of HIS Church and Kingdom of Eternity.

Yours, in HIS great love and wonderful Grace and Mercy,   Ken<><   www.OhanaChurch.Life

There is but ONE Church of Christ Jesus as LORD;
All who Love, Honor & Obey HIM are eternal members.

Asbury Awakening:

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