
Want the Joys of Blessings and be in Peace? Want Enthusiasm?
This little piece of Biblical perspective has a nice ring to it. Came across my desk today. The Key words I have made darker. It shares about serving God with a whole heart in everything for HIS Blessings to be able to happen. Blessings and Obedience are tightly woven together. So each of us are in HIS school learning obedience if we belong to HIM. Even as HE endured the same school. May you be blessed in your day, Ken<>< www.Trinity-Aloha.org Hebrews 5:8-9 8 Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered; 9 And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him; Today’s Scripture "You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace…" (Isaiah 55:12, NIV) The word “enthusiasm” comes from the Greek word “entheos.” “Theos” is God. When you’re enthusiastic, it simply means you are full of God. When you get up in the morning excited about your future, recognizing that day is a gift and go out with a spring in your step, pursuing your goals and passionate about life, then God will breathe in your direction. Studies even tell us that people who are enthusiastic get better breaks. They’re promoted more often. That’s not a coincidence. When you’re full of passion, you have the favor of God. Remember, God didn’t breathe His life into us to drag through the day. He didn’t create us in His image, crown us with His favor, and equip us with His power to just go through the motions of life. You may have had some setbacks, the wind may have been taken out of your sail, but this is a new day! God wants to breathe new life back into you. If you’ll get your fire back, get your passion back, the wind will start blowing once again. When you’re in agreement with God, He can cause the winds of favor to shift in your direction! A Prayer for Today "Heavenly Father, thank You for another sunrise, another day, another opportunity to praise You and pursue the dreams You’ve given me. Help me to stay filled with Your joy which is strength so I can serve You with my whole heart in everything that I do in Jesus’ name. Amen."

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