DISCIPLINE, “WORTH CONSIDERING” 3/30/20 from Ken Smith<><
“Today’s Scripture (In my email this morning from a mega church in Texas.)
“…No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.” (Hebrews 12:11, NIV)
Don’t Feed the Negative
It can feel good to give into the temptation to watch something you shouldn’t, to gossip about a friend, to be lazy, to tell someone off. The flesh likes the easy way. The reason some people don’t grow is because they’re not disciplined to do the right thing when it’s hard. You have to be consistent. The flesh is not going to go away. The apostle Paul said, “I die daily.” Every day we have to say no to things. “No, I’m not going to watch that. I won’t be sarcastic. I’m not going to hang out with that friend. I’m not going to eat whatever I feel like.”
Remember that every time you give into that temptation, become impatient, or get offended, you’re feeding and growing the flesh. If you’ll start to not give in to the temptation, the temper, the bad attitude, you’re going to step into a new season of freedom, of growth, of favor.
A Prayer for Today
“Father, thank You that You are working in me and giving me the desire to obey You. Thank You that I have the power to overcome and be disciplined to do the right thing. I believe that the forces for me are greater than the forces against me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
Ken’s Thoughts:
The little Book of James come to mind about the stink coming out of our mouths. He was aware that the tongue is the most difficult of our member to bring under the control of the Holy Spirit.
So you might want to read that little letter from time to time, really loaded with good stuff to help us become more like our Lord Jesus. He was down here with the same limitations that we have except for the stuff we got from Adam like pride, rebellion and disobedience. So Jesus set the example for us so that with his grace and power, we too could overcome as HE did. Read Rom. 8 and Heb 11 to check it out. GOD our Creator has so designed things so that we have the opportunity to learn how to have a freewill and yet through love to submit our free will back to HIM for a good clean up. We have been given a wonderful opportunity through our freewill to learn to love God, ourselves and each other. It is amazing to me that today most entertainment is destructive. It majors in blowing up things or in viciously tearing people apart. In fact it is amazing how many different ways we have invented to destroy each other. Worse than the days of ROME. And we tend to get into the dynamics of the story and go away thinking that was a great film. Even the good guys seem almost as vicious as the bad guys in order to win. Even back when I was a little kid I can still remember “Night on Bald Mountain” about the powers of the darkness. “Fantasia” I remember throwing coke bottles from my crib at what I thought were demons? My mother use them for milk bottles as I could not break them.
There is but one Church of Christ Jesus in the world tody.
And all who Truly Love & Obey HIM are members.
( At our homepage you will find past blogs as a link under “WORTH CONSIDERING.”)
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.
Courage to change the things I can.
And wisdom to know the difference.
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