Interesting Facts concerning Christian DIS-UNITY:     3/21/19

It SEEMS a  fact that there may be 33,000 Christian Denominations is quoted on many websites.   That includes the multiple denominations for many churches based on how many countries that the church is present in.  For example, the Roman Catholic Church, which is a single entity under the authority of the Vatican, counts 242 independent denominations where there is little difference..

Not surprisingly, Protestant Christianity makes up the bulk of different denominations, counting 9,000 mainstream and 22,000 independent for a total of 31,000.  For true denominations involving multiple churches under common leadership, the number is almost certainly less than 2000.  Major ones, with over a million members, probably less than five hundred.

Ryan Burge, a political science researcher at Eastern Illinois University, analyzed data from the survey. He used a Reltrad (religious tradition) classification code to compensate for the oversample of African Americans in earlier waves of data.  According to Burge’s data, 23.1 percent of those surveyed were people of “no religion,” while those who are evangelical — of any race, not just white — represented about 22.8 percent of the tally.  Despite a tiny resurgence in the 2018 data, white mainline protestants, which were once the largest U.S. religious demographic in the 1970s, were at just 10.8 percent of the tally, a far cry from 1975 when they were over 30 percent.

In the light of John 17:20-26 this is why the Church is so powerless.   Notice in reading the Book of Acts concerning LOVE, FAITH, UNITY and  POWER how they go together.  Divisions are mostly due to either Bad Doctrine or a desire to have Authority over the Good Shepherd’s sheep for themselves.

Differences in doctrine, through LOVE is a wonderful opportunity of finding more of God’s Truth for more freedom in Christ Jesus.   Differences should be embraced for healing and seeking unity.  It is obvious that two opposing positions can not both be correct.  So if we can come to a position of humility and obedience to the truth, the truth should win out and unity secured.  There is no Biblical excuse for disunity.  “A house divided against itself can not stand.” Christ Jesus prayed for our UNITY in JOHN 17:20-26.”   So no matter how it looks, UNITY is totally possible.  The Prayers of Christ Jesus will come to pass and:   WE HAVE A LOT OF WORK TO DO……

Yours, in HIS great love and wonderful grace and mercy,  Ken<><    www.Trinity-Aloha.org

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