ALOHA SAINTS, FAMILY AND FRIENDS,   Beloved of God and me….  John 3:14-18


Today’s Scripture            (Across my desk this morning from a church in Texas.)
“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it…”  (Proverbs 4:23, NIV)

Guard Your Heart
One of our most important responsibilities is to keep our hearts pure. It’s easy to let what’s on the outside get on the inside. It takes discipline to say, “I’m not going to dwell on that offense. I’m not going to feel sorry for myself because something didn’t work out.” Maybe you need to forgive somebody, or maybe you’re still sour about a dream that didn’t work out, or maybe you’re still beating yourself up over a mistake you made. You only have so much emotional energy each day. It’s not an unlimited supply. Do you know how much energy it takes to hold a grudge, to go around offended? That’s wasting valuable energy that you need for your dreams, for your children, and for your destiny.  Life is too short for you to live offended, unforgiving, and bitter over what didn’t work out. Quit letting what’s on the outside get on the inside; start guarding your heart.

A Prayer for Today
“Father, thank You that I can guard my heart and keep it pure from all the negative things that try to enter in. I declare that I will not allow offenses to get inside. I want Your stream of grace to flow unhindered in and through my life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Ken’s Comments:       (
Actually it is not that easy for the outside to get on the inside.   But once it does it is like pulling teeth to get it out.  The Bible calls the ed or sub-conscious mind the “HEART” So our conscious mind is the gateway to our heart.  I tend to be a people watcher and grew up on movies as a kid on Saturday would spend the whole day in the Grand Theater for .10 cents.   But most of the movies from 1937 on were under a code for decency and had clear moral values.  Bad buys lost, Good guys won.   Popcorn .5 cents.  News reel, cartoon, serial Captain Marvel and two films.  Stay as long as you like.  So still like movies but have found that there are some that I just can not watch in comfort.  So I don’t.  But we all know Junk in, Junk out.  And with inflation, costs a lot more today than then.

Some Dr. wrote that it takes about 20 times of liking something in the mind before the heart starts to beat the same beat.  I feel there is some truth to that concept as the more times I use a verse out of the Bible the easier it is to remember and find.  So as I get it in my heart that this world is not really my home that I am just passing through the less it tend to distract me from what I really want to do with the rest of my life.   I wrote a letter along this line to a young lady who is in the process of making this very difficult change and felt to pass it along today:       

Actually Jesus came to serve and to teach us how to serve each other.  Even at 88,  I make my bed in the morning and clean up my own room,  take my own shower and  make my breakfast, clean up after myself and do as much for my self as I can so no one will need to look after me.  Even pick up stuff from the floor and take the trash to the dump if need be.  So you may have a big learning curve here in not only being personally responsible for yourself but in helping other do what they may not be able do for themselves.  And if you have assets or savings you may need to see them as being owned by our LORD and subject to what HE wants us to do with them.  In reality we are temporary steward of what has been entrusted to us by the LORD.  And personally,   really I enjoy living that way.  When I made Jesus my LORD it included everything that I had including my wife and children.   HE is LORD (Master) of all or HE is not LORD at all.  

The basic key is Jesus needs to be the center of our Life and not us.  When we are the center of our life, then our happiness is related to what we get.    When Jesus is the center then our concern and happiness is really in what pleases HIM.    When we are the center our life it is all about this world.   When Jesus is the center then we are focused on eternity and helping others find the way with us to HIM, those who do the will of God abide forever.  And what ever is sown in this world will find root and produce in kind later.   The negativity being produced in the world today is awesome.  The crop that will return will be of greater pain than anyone can imagine.  Many of the world’s governments are saying today that God does not exist.  But HE does.  It is only that HE totally respects every souls right to make full use of their freewill.  The people in China thought that socialism was a good idea and believed the lies and enough people got behind it to make it the rule.  Now 10% live off of the other 90% and life has little value.  Not exactly what was promised in the beginning,  but now,  perhaps too late to do much about it.  The U.S. is now under attack by the same bunch of lies.  Nov. 4th will determine if most of the U.S.  folks believe the lies or not?   But the Kingdom of God is not of this world and this world passes away and only those who do the Will of God, will abide for eternity.

Yours, in HIS great love and wonderful Grace and Mercy,

Worthy Brief <;    A new survey on the growth of Christianity in Iran suggests there could soon be 1 million Iranian Christians living in the Islamic Republic, CBN News reports. Carried out by the non-profit Group for Analyzing and Measuring Attitudes in Iran (GAMAAN), the survey questioned 50,000 Iranians, 90% of whom live in the country. The survey showed that 1.5% of respondents identified as Christian.   At least 500 Christians have been slaughtered, and thousands traumatized and displaced, in the last two months in Ethiopia’s Oromia state, the Christian Post reports. It is believed that those responsible for the recent door-to-door attacks and killings are members of a youth movement of Muslim men from the ethnic Oromo population.    Under Director Chris Wray, the FBI continues to engage in “widespread violations” of rules protecting Americans’ privacy while searching through national security surveillance data, the chief judge of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court has concluded.    President Trump will announce a further draw-down of U.S. troops from Iraq on Wednesday, and a withdrawal of more troops from Afghanistan in the coming days, a senior administration official said Tuesday night.    Iran said Tuesday it is building a sophisticated new building near its underground Natanz nuclear site for uranium production, state TV reported.

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