ALOHA SAINTS, FAMILY AND FRIENDS, Beloved of God and me,   John 3:16

SEEDS ARE SMALL,    “WORTH CONSIDERING”   10/15/20    From Ken Smith

Today’s Scripture                      (Across my desk this morning from a church in Texas.)
“Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin.”
(Zechariah 4:10, NLT)
Do Not Despise Small Beginnings
When David went out to face Goliath, all he had was a slingshot and five smooth stones. It looked insignificant, ordinary, and certainly nothing special. But God breathed on him, and he defeated Goliath and became the king of Israel. All Moses had was an ordinary stick, something he found on the ground, yet when he picked up that rod and held it in the air, the Red Sea supernaturally parted. Samson was surrounded by a huge army. All he had was the jawbone of a donkey. But he picked up that jawbone, God breathed on him, and he defeated a thousand men.
Don’t despise the day of small beginnings. Don’t look at what you have and say, “I can’t do anything great. I don’t have a lot of talent.” If you’ll use what God has given you, He will multiply it. He will not only bring your dreams to pass, but He will do more than you can ask or think.
A Prayer For Today
“Father, thank You that You rejoice to see me use what You have given me, and You will bring the increase as I trust in You. Thank You that a slingshot and five stones are enough to bring down a giant. I believe that nothing can keep me from my destiny. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Ken’s Comments:
I was writing to some one the other day and suggesting that they start small as Jesus did and got into a world of words about my unbelief.  And I tried to explain the concept of building a small but hot fire and then taking the hot coals like Stephen and getting them close to Saul of Tarsus who became Apostle Paul and wrote nearly ½ of our New Testament.  So we are now in a big rain storm.  Many are cold and wet and dying.  We need to get a fire going.  We have a lot of living rooms that are empty and family that we know are virus free.  Why not gather a bit of kindling together and start a spiritual fire in your home.  Little is much when God is in it.  Sure you get a lot of smoke when you start to built a fire but after it gets hot not much smoke and as it gets hot the bigger and wetter logs can be put in the fire and dry out and catch on fire and make lots of heat.  We have put a new web site up called: www.OhanaChurch.Life and we will be adding things to the file that will help a Biblical New Testament House Church to get started.

Jesus taught us that where 2 or 3 gathered together in HIS name that HE would be there.  So if you set a family time out for getting together each week, Jesus has promised to attend.  Not one single word in the New Testament about building anything.  No funds collected for a building.  They used what was available as a place to gather each week and larger spaces as needed for a big gather but gifts went to help the poor and to evangelize.  A priest, friend of mine, was lamenting one day and privately told me that his congregation was, “A collection of God’s chosen frozen dedicated to the preservation of the stuff.”  I won’t give you the denomination as the Lord has be cautioning me not to talk stink about those who are wrapped up in vain traditions.  But we desperately need a New Testament Revival like in Acts 5:16 where everyone who came was fixed as needed by the Holy Spirit.   An old church denomination that goes way back had a saying, “In Essential, Unity, in all else LOVE.”  So lets be about digging out the essentials of our New Testament and find that Loving Unity so we can all speak and teach God’s TRUTH in Love.  It is in believing and obeying His truth that we are set free.   We can use the internet as a place to place God’s Truth so it is there 24/7 for anyone who is interested.  One good brother thought I was ½ a bubble off the other day and told me so.  That was great.  Get the ego’s out of the way and in love search together for God’ Truth that sets us free.  Think about it,  what is to be gained by believing lies and sitting in darkness?

In John 17 Jesus prayed the whole chapter about the kind of Unity in Loving Truth that He wanted us to enjoy in our new freedom from the lies of sin.  He taught us what to do and we have four eye witness accounts saying it mostly in 4 different ways so we would not get confused.  So let’s work together on publishing what HE said that was important so we can find and walk in real Godly Freedom as a Holy People of God.

Trinity Fellowship Int.   Homepage of the ministry.  lots o links.
www.OhanaChurch.Life   For building a help file for New Testament House Churches.   For the liturgical folks who like that form of gathering.  (Read Carefully prior to making a judgment call.   You can not judge the book by the cover, remember? 
So lets work together to make this work a beginning of useful information for faith and practice.

Yours, in HIS great LOVE and wonderful grace and mercy, Ken<><
Add / Delete:    “Worth Considering Library” See link on Homepage.

 Worthy Brief <;  Experts report that US citizens are leaving cities and moving to suburbs, CBN News reports. A previous trend for migration into American cities is reportedly reversing itself, experts say.  A majority of likely American voters believe the United States should not undergo another COVID-19 lockdown, according to a new Just the News Daily Poll with Scott Rasmussen.   Protesters overturned statues of former Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln in Portland, Ore., ahead of Monday’s federal Columbus Day holiday.  A clear majority of Israelis favor the re-election of US President Donald Trump come November’s presidential elections, a new poll showed Monday night.           
Karl  Marx, Socialist, actively rebelled against the divine. He wrote, “I long to take vengeance on the One Who rules from above. The idea of God is the keynote of a perverted civilization. It must be destroyed.”    (Have you noticed that flavor in the air from 1950 and getting stronger?)

At this time one American Party seems to have been  taken hostage by many groups who would like to destroy our Constitution and our  Christian Way of Life.  Atheists, Abortionists,  Socialists,  Homosexuals,  School Printers and News Media and many like  them  have  taken  the  party hostage to make all kinds of changes that are very much contrary to the ethics and moral values of most living in this Country.  And they are organized and well financed.  And they are posting promises that can not be fulfilled,  to gain votes.  With this election we have a very clear choice.                                                                                                                                                                                      There is but One Church of Christ Jesus as LORD

and all who love and obey HIM are all members.

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