ALOHA SAINTS, FAMILY & FRIENDS,  Beloved of God and me,   John 3:16

PEACE & HOMEOSTASIS “WORTH CONSIDERING”   10/16/20    From Ken Smith<><

Today’s Scripture                    (Across my desk this morning from a church in Texas.)
A relaxed attitude lengthens a man’s life; jealousy rots it away.  (Proverbs 14:30, TLB)
Young at Heart
No matter what age you are, you can be young at heart, full of faith, energy, and creativity. Your spirit never ages. It doesn’t have to get old and grouchy. You can stay young in spirit. The way that happens is to give no place to the negative. Get in a habit of emptying out any offenses, knowing that God is in control and will do what He promised despite what comes against you. Empty out the worry and anxiety. If you made a mistake, empty out the guilt. If you didn’t do your best, empty out the regret. If you were upset because you didn’t get the credit you deserved, empty out the self-pity. If you had a bad break, and you don’t understand why, empty out the questions. Don’t try to figure it out.   If you get good at emptying out the negative every day, you’ll be strong, vibrant, full of faith, and full of joy.
A Prayer For Today
“Father, thank You that I never need to get old in my heart, and that I can stay young and vibrant in my spirit. I choose to empty out the worry, mistakes, and offenses and let negative things go. Fill me with joy to overflowing. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Ken’s Comments:
Today’s topic is understanding the word PEACE.  There are two kinds of peace: Biological and Spiritual.  Biologically, Homeostasis, any self-regulating process by which biological systems tend to maintain stability while adjusting to conditions that are optimal for survival. If homeostasis is successful, life continues; if unsuccessful, disaster or death ensues. The stability attained is actually a dynamic equilibrium, in which continuous change occurs yet relatively uniform conditions prevail.        Like being on a big ship in a rough ocean.  Once out of the Panama Canal and into the Atlantic Ocean the swells were above 16′ and every one was getting sea sick.  I started to but then got into the very center of the ship and stayed vertical in spite of what the ship was doing and did not get sick.  It was that way for several days in spite of the leveling thrusters of the ship.   So if we do not give into the fight or flight motives that cause our adrenaline to pump it is much better for our whole body.  It has been written by a person in the medical profession that 5 minutes of anger can upset your immune system for a whole day.  My heart rate runs at about 60 beats a minute like a clock.  If the music that I listen to is about the same, it is refreshing for me physically.  And especially if about God’s Truth and the Beauty He has created.    If 100+ beats my dinner is gone.

The same holds true for the Spiritual world.  A few days ago I made a deal to get two small pieces of marble cut and edged polished and I am still sure the guy said $50. which sounded reasonable and would be ready on Wednesday.   I came back on Wednesday and He said that he had told me Friday and that it was $150.  for the work.  I had the choice to go ballistic for a $100.  and another 50 miles to pick up the marble.  To get my marble and walk away and go to another place and start all over or to pay the $100. and give it to the LORD.  Of course I started to go ballistic.  But then the Holy Spirit reminded me to agree with my adversary quickly, so I did.  And today the marble was delivered to my door by a Christian Hawaiian man who works there and we had a great time talking about Jesus and a new door opened in Hawaii of Spiritual Unity in God’s Love and Peace between a white guy and a brown guy who  also knows how to speak Hawaiian very well and even taught me something new about Hawaii which is very important.   He said that the State of Hawaii is inaccurate in quoting the State Motto.  “The Life of The Land Is Perpetuated in Righteousness.”  They left off, “Through our LORD JESUS CHRIST.”  And none of this would have happened if I had been on a vendetta and took a walk in to grouch land.

This Election has made us reds and blues and sometimes in the same family.  And yet the Word of God tells us that it is God who is in control in Rom. 13.   And that we should keep the faith in the bond of PEACE and vote as the Holy Spirit guides us.  And not to loose any sleep or make any enemies over it.   Concerning the virus some are very fearful and some just ignore it.  We should allow folks to be who they are as also does our Creator.  Of course with our Creator if we seek, ask and knock HE is happy to help us find HIS Truth.  But there is no stress or anger or manipulation involve, just LOVE.  So consider spending some time in the Word of God finding out how to stay at peace with the big swells of this world both physically and spiritually and you will live a lot longer and have fewer visit to the Dr. and be Blessed with God’s Holy Truth.
Yours, in HIS great Love and Wonderful Grace & Mercy, Ken<><

Worthy Brief <;     Pastor Bob Fu, who fled China and launched the Christian rights group ChinaAid was moved to safety after Chinese Communist Party (CCP) operatives besieged his U.S. home, friends say.   As Democratic candidates across the nation harp on the economic devastation they attribute to the Trump administration’s mishandled COVID response, a closer look at state by state unemployment data reveals something far different: a tale of two economies on starkly divergent paths out of crushing shutdown economics. In “red” states, economic recovery is in full roar. “Blue” states, meanwhile, lag far behind, still staggering under unemployment levels associated with the deepest recessions. Suspended somewhere between these two poles are politically mixed “purple” states muddling through with fittingly middling unemployment numbers.    The Knesset, Israel’s 120-seat parliament, today overwhelmingly ratified the Abraham Accords, the peace treaty signed with the United Arab Emirates at the White House on Sept. 15.  A stunning new poll conducted by an Arab-American pollster has found that 79% of the people of Saudi Arabia are increasingly receptive to “normalization” of relations with Israel.  Germany has agreed to give $662 million in aid to some 240,000 Jewish Holocaust survivors struggling under the burdens of the coronavirus pandemic, the group involved in the talks said.    Islamic terrorist organization Al-Qaeda condemned the normalization of ties between Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain Tuesday and issued a call for Muslims to mobilize and overthrow what it called the “toadies of the West,” the Jewish News Syndicate (JNS) reports.

More GREAT QUOTES   -Sermonindex.
“We are not praying that our borders be opened. We are praying that heaven be opened.”
– The prayer of a church under persecution in Vietnam
“The three secrets of the Christian life are: 1. humility 2. humility 3. humility. God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”  -Zac Poonen
“If the doctrine of Christian union is true, then division and sectarianism are a great and prodigious evil, and therefore ought to be abolished. Who then will lay the axe to the root of this corrupt tree to help cut it down?”  -D.S. Warner
“One man with God is always in the majority.”  – John Knox
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