ALOHA FAMILY & FRIENDS,  Beloved of God,   John 3:16-18

LOVE     “WORTH CONSIDERING”   10/3/19   (Across my desk this morning.)

Today’s Scripture
“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers…”
(1 Peter 4:8, NIV)
Above All

So often people try to make others fit into their own mold, conform to their ideas, and be just like them. We think, “If they would just change, I wouldn’t get upset. If they would just do it the way I want, they wouldn’t get on my nerves.” But really, we need to give people room to be who God created them to be. Life is too short to spend it trying to fix everybody. Sure, we should encourage people and help them grow and come up higher. But we have to get to the point where we step back and say, “All right, this is who God made them to be, and I’m going to accept them the way they are. Just because they don’t have my same strengths, I’m not going to let that frustrate me.”

We have to choose love every day because love covers our differences and offenses. Love makes allowances for other people’s weaknesses. Love overlooks a wrong done to it. Love is what allows us to appreciate what others bring into our lives, and it brings us together in unity. Today, above all, choose love. Choose to focus on the things that make your relationships stronger, because in the end, love is all that remains.

A Prayer for Today
“Father, today I choose to set my heart and mind on You. I choose to love others the way You have commanded. Give me the strength to walk in Your ways and understand Your love more each day in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

My Thoughts,
The word Love is used in our culture to mean many different things from like to obsession about most anything.  The other day I was instructed by a street person that God was LOVING like Santa Clause ????  In turn I gave him a sheet of paper on both sides printed with the verses of scripture concerning GOD’s WRATH.   So for me I see GOD is in total balance with Heaven and Love on one end of the spectrum and Hell and Wrath on the other.  But to stay with the subject of LOVE,  I ask the HOLY SPIRIT one time as to God’s definition of the word LOVE.   In my heart of hearts came the reply,  “Love is the greatest good for the other person regardless of personal cost.”  For me, a good answer and exactly what Christ Jesus did for us.

The Holy Scriptures share with us about love a lot like in 1 Cor. 13 and in another scripture, But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:”  Eph.4:15.  So we see here that Truth and Love are partners to help us grow up to be like Christ Jesus.  So with God,  His Truth and Spiritual Growth are included in HIS definition of LOVE.  And all of the other manipulations and excesses that we think are LOVE are not.  So often folks in the world use the word love to manipulate and control.  Like:  “If you love me,  let me.”   or  “If you don’t let me, you don’t love me.”  I do love my old truck a lot, but not the same as I love Jesus for HIS love and forgiveness and redemption.

So to God’s process of Sanctification through the Holy Spirit in becoming like Christ Jesus.  It is a work in progress after we make Christ Jesus LORD and give HIM the right and authority to help us change.  Sometimes it is just the need to learn and grow up in HIM.  Sometimes we have squatters hiding in the basement or attic of our house that need to be evicted that we don’t even know are there.  But as the Holy Spirit begins to fill our house, HE will show us how we can make more room for HIS presence and ministry.  God does give grace to the humble and if we will allow HIM to clean out our house HE will do a good job of it.  He want’s us to learn and grow and change to become in HIS image and likeness but He also needs our OK.   He also would like our help with others who are seeking HIS light and truth and love.  Even those who don’t even know what to seek but only know that they are empty and incomplete without HIM.  He has in mind for us to be Jr. partners in the creation of the New Heavens and New Earth that HE is going to create in righteousness.  He has a vision for us to become HIS loving family through Christ Jesus to fill the heavens and to enjoy the works of HIS hands as any good father would do with his kids.  But as infinite is HIS love so also is HIS wrath. Seems like the prophesy of Christ Jesus in The Revelation has been totally edited out by many so called christians as they don’t understand the balance of our INFINITE GOD OF LOVE.  Jesus was not in sin in HIS anger of upending the tables of the money changers or in telling the religious leaders that they were the children of satan in John 8.  It was the Truth in LOVE. Our Loving Heavenly Father would like all to be saved, but the choice is up to us.  Romans 1 tells us HIS Truth in Love and that the lost will be without excuse.  That they are totally responsible for their own decisions and the final destination of their own souls into eternal light or darkness.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Yours, in HIS great love and wonderful grace and mercy among the living.    Ken<><

The historian D'Aubigne writes: "A great work of God is never  accomplished by the natural strength of man. It is from the dry   bones, the darkness and the dust of death, that God is pleased to  select the  instruments by means of which He designs to scatter over  the earth His light, regeneration and life." [- D'Aubigne's "History of   the Reformation"].  1 Cor.1:22-31 "Worth Considering"    The world is getting really weird.   

Christian News
Christian Doc Loses Job as UK Judge Rules ‘Biblical View of Male and Female’ Violates ‘Human Dignity’    An experienced Christian doctor in the United Kingdom was forced out of his job as a disability benefits assessor for refusing to use transgender pronouns while working for the British government. Now he has lost his lawsuit against the government after refusing, hypothetically, to refer to ‘a six-foot-tall bearded man’ as ‘madam.’

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