ALOHA FAMILY AND FRIENDS,  Beloved of GOD,   John 3:16

SEEK FIRST,   “WORTH CONSIDERING”   8/7/19,   (Across my desk this morning.)

Today’s Scripture
“In the night I search for you; in the morning I earnestly seek you…”  (Isaiah 26:9, NLT)

Seek First
Jesus said in Matthew 6, “Seek first the kingdom of God.” That word “seek” is a strong word. One definition is “to require as a vital necessity.” You have to see spending time with God as being vital to living a victorious life. When things get busy, the children need you, it’s hectic at the office, or you’ve got a thousand things to do, you’ve got to put your foot down and say, “No, this is not an option. If I’m going to be strong, if I’m going to be my best today, if I’m going to have God’s favor, I’ve got to rearrange my priorities so I can spend time with God.”

You may have to get up earlier—before the children need you, before checking your emails, before the phone starts ringing. Take time to invest in your spiritual well-being. We feed our physical body at least three meals a day, but often we feed our spirit just once a week at church. We wonder why we feel burned out, unenthusiastic, and lack favor, wisdom and creativity. It’s because we’re not taking time to get filled back up. Just like we feed our physical man, we need to feed our spiritual man. When you invest in your spiritual well-being, it will pay huge dividends in your life.”

A Prayer for Today
“Father, today I choose to put You first. I acknowledge that without You, I can do nothing. I invite You to have Your way in my life as I seek You first in all that I do in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

My thoughts:
Just about every morning now, I wake up and tell the LORD (Holy Spirit) that I want HIM to take charge of my day and help me to have the humility and obedience to walk it out with HIM in charge.  GREAT WAY TO GO…. 

We tend to think that our soul lives in a little one room cabin but that is a lie.  Actually we live in a very big house with a great many rooms.  Many of which have stuff stacked in them from long ago, forgotten, good and bad.  The Holy Spirit wants to clean house and fill our houses with HIS presence.  And the Holy Spirit usually finds more rooms to clean out and fill with his presence than we even knew that we had in our house.  The Holy Spirit always asks for our permission to open a door to clean a room.  Sometimes we already know that it stinks to high heaven so bad in there that we don’t really want to open it, we are totally embarrassed.  But He does not give up so eventually we say yes, the door gets opened and we find a bunch of squatters (demons) living there and using the window and door moldings to cook hot dogs in the middle of the lovely wood floor and are totally stinking up the place.  Of course we then want them gone and the Holy Spirit makes it possible.  HE then cleans up the room like new and moves in to another room in our house.  An unequal yoke marriage is usually due to a dirty house.  The job of the Holy Spirit is to help us to become like Jesus,  like when Jesus said “satan comes but has nothing in ME.”  John 14:30.  The Holy Spirit wants to do the same thing with us so when the enemy comes, there is NO VACANCY.  So when we begin to have a clean house, the Holy Spirit begins to fill us with GOD’s power and we begin to grow spiritually very fast.  We are then also able to help others find their way to HIS LIGHT as well.  But our cup has to be empty in order for GOD to fill it.

Same thing happens with outside stuff as well.   In our new home in Kealia, Hawaii,  we have only room for about 20% of the stuff that I had saved up in nearly 50 years at the Inn,  perhaps even less.  Looking at the stuff that I have to sort out is like looking at a Hoarders TV sitcom.   Off to the dump again tomorrow,  be in prayer for me.    Yours, in HIS great love and wonderful grace and mercy,  Ken<><


( Past “WORTH CONSIDERING” blogs may be found by a link on:  )

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