Aloha Christian Theological Seminary (ACTS)
Books for Discipleship Training
Books for Discipleship Training
Books for training one leader/pastor and twelve disciples. The books may be lent and chapters assigned for open discussion at the time selected. The Pastor/Leader to select three primary disciples who each disciple three other disciples. If each disciple of Jesus Christ would spend one year fully training another disciple and this process continued then in just Thirty-Four Years the whole world could know about Jesus Christ as Lord. Our Lord set us to the task of making “disciples” who make disciples and not just to make converts. Each disciple of Jesus Christ should be closely mentoring another disciple until they are fully trained to be able to fully train another disciple. Our Lord set the precedent in making eleven disciples in three years. During that time they made 70 and by the end of that time, there were 120 disciples. After Pentecost, the process continued in the power of the Holy Spirit to touch the whole known world.
This Mini-Library is an English language Christian Library for helping the process of making disciples. The books selected will support the need for balance in God’s Holy Truth. Hopefully, these books will help prevent apostasy and dis-unity in our Lord’s Church, Eph.4:1-16. The world desperately needs to see our Lord Jesus Christ in all of His wonderful Love, Holiness, and Power.
ACTSeminary Required Reading, First Year:
“Holy Bible”, King James
“Foundations for Righteous Living” by Dr. Derek Prince
“Eerdmans Handbook to the Bible” by Eerdmans
“Biblical Foundations of Freedom” by Dr. Art Mathias,
“The Church in the House” By Robert Fitts
“They Shall Expel Demons” by Dr. Derek Prince
“Keys To The Kingdom” by Dr. N. K. Smith
“Chaos of the Cults” by Dr. Walter Martin
“A More Excellent Way” by Henry Wright
(Some books are available through the Seminary.)